Joy and tongue sucking after Rocío

Joy in ‘Está passant’ (TV-3). Toni Soler I was exultant. Happy, euphoric, triumphant and tremendous, he said: «The moment of apologies has arrived, yes& rdquor;.

And immediately added: “We apologize to the president of Andalusia, to the politicians, to the Spanish press, to the Catalan bishops for worrying more about the humor of TV-3 than about pedophilia. If we go to trial, we will cite the Virgen del Rocío as defense testimony! AND jair dominguez he added enthusiastically: “I have read the petition. They accuse us of ‘We laughed!’. In other words, the ‘laughing’ is a crime ». And to round off the party and joy came out judith martin characterized by Dalai Lama and told Jair: “Suck my tongue and the kingdom of heaven will be yours.” Ooh! Here there was less danger of Buddhist protests, because it was the Dalai Lama himself, the real one, who got into that mess the other day sucking the tongue of a child.

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I already warned you that the important thing about the television seismograph is that it moves upwards driven by scandal and noise. This scandal began on April 4. More than a week has passed and he continues to be the protagonist throughout the telehippodrome. An interesting point was made by the journalist director of ‘El plural’, Angelica Rubiowhen he said, in ‘Al rojo vivo’, that he hadn’t found the ‘sketch’ amusing, but that: «We all agreed that the humorous weekly ‘Charlie Hebdo’ had all the right, all the freedom, to make parodies and jokes about Muhammad and Islam. So now it is not possible to be scandalized with the Virgen del Rocío ».

The appropriate question is whether ‘Està passant’ is a humor programme. It was born in September 2017 as a trench of that TV-3 ‘cheerleader’ procession of Sanchis. It was basic that it was daily. A shot every day helps to rear a lot. For a few months his political ‘trabucaire’ unidirectional decline. Now they work on humor, distributing sarcasm and sarcasm well. Toni Soler He’s smart. When TV-3 was immersed in the heat of the process, he made tremendous parodies of “Polònia” at the same time Puigdemont. I drew him as a pathetic creature engaged in hilarious experiments in the Waterloo kitchen. In other words, on that doctrinaire TV-3, to usually do in ‘Polònia’ he dared to ridicule the Pantocrator of ‘rocío indepe’. He has merit. It is fair to warn you.
