IQ Financial Solutions: the key to invest and achieve financial independence

For almost 20 years, Leandro Seco has dedicated himself, with an independent and comprehensive perspective, to helping individuals, families and companies to solve their financial and insurance problems. “I am an Insurance Advisor Producer and suitable in Capital Markets. In 2018 we founded IQ Financial Solutions with the firm conviction that financial education is a tool that transforms the reality of families and individuals. Today, we have a staff of more than 20 advisors in the country and we have contracts with leading companies in the Capital Market and Insurance”, confirms Leandro.

– How do you overcome the fear of investing?

I think the most important thing to overcome the fear of investing is to understand the risk involved in not doing so. The main enemy of doing nothing is the loss of purchasing power due to inflation. Something that the world had forgotten in recent decades, and that in our country is something more natural. Last year inflation was almost 100% locally and reached 10% in developed countries. In other words, today I need twice as much money in pesos to buy the same thing that I bought a year ago. In dollars, this difference is smaller, but over long periods of time, the loss of purchasing power is very large. It seems to me that the key to be encouraged to invest is to have a good investor profile to know which instruments to enter.

– Is it possible that anyone, without great knowledge, can beat inflation?

Beating inflation should be the starting point of any investment one is going to make, be it in the financial world or in the real economy. That being said, there are instruments in the local market that pay inflation plus a certain rate. UVA fixed terms are also valid alternatives to hedge against rising prices. If one takes a longer-term view, it seems to me that there are more alternatives, such as shares or cedears (shares or indices of companies from other countries) that tend to beat inflation over time. In any of the cases, having professional and independent advice seems key to me so that the investor can better understand the risks of each of the alternatives mentioned above.

– What should be done and what should not be done with the savings or with the Christmas bonus?

The ideal, from our point of view, is to convert savings into investment. For example, instead of buying dollars, which is savings, buy an ON (negotiable obligation) that also pays you interest on the order of 8.5% in dollars. That way you don’t lose purchasing power. The Christmas bonus should be used to build a contingency fund, in the first instance, and to help people achieve financial independence over time, in the second place. This is a concept that we embrace a lot at IQ. It means having a capital stock that generates a passive income equivalent to your fixed and variable expenses. If you have that goal, and know that by investing regularly and intelligently that objective is closer, you will surely feel more encouraged to invest than to consume.

– What is the importance of putting together a budget?

Having a budget is key for any person or family to have their finances in order. If I don’t know how much money is coming in and how much is coming out per month, it is very difficult to achieve specific goals over time. Once these data are known, the key is to be able to separate a percentage between 10% and 30% of the income, which would be ideal. Said savings converted into investment will give us the peace of mind of being able to go through any contingency over time such as the pandemic, where many people stopped generating income. This will allow us at the same time to generate passive income complementary to active income. Remember that our most important goal is to achieve financial independence.

– What is the number one enemy of the economic and financial growth of a person or family?

The main enemy of the economic and financial growth of people is to live above the real possibilities of each one. I meet people who finance themselves by paying the minimum on credit cards, or who take personal loans at rates well above inflation, in order to live a life that may not be within their reach, but which generates a momentary satisfaction. What must be understood is that this present consumption over real possibilities is at the cost of mortgaging the future. The ideal is to live below the possibilities of each one, but above the needs, leaving a margin for investment. Over time, that regular investment gives us the chance to live the life we ​​really want and dream of.

– What are the company’s projects in the medium and long term?

We are in a strong expansion project, we want to reach the entire interior of the country, where we believe that there is still a lot to do. We live financial advice with a lot of passion and we seek to continue transforming the reality of families, people and companies, giving them a different, optimistic and real look at the same time, of how to solve the different problems that we are all going to encounter throughout our lives. Already in January we incorporated five new advisers who are in the training process led by managers with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. The idea is to end this 2023 with 35 advisors. In the long term, we have the idea of ​​reaching the highest categories with the different companies that we work with today.

Dardo Rocha 3142, Martinez, Buenos Aires


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