Help: in a meadow near Wessinghuizen, the foundation has been laid for a huge cry for help

In the meadow of the art farm Artphy in Wessinghuizen, students laid the foundation for a big, blue cry for help on Tuesday: Help.

They did this by sowing blue lupins to form the first letter, H. “The other letters will follow later so that the lupine blooms here in the summer and the word Help is written on an area of ​​30 by 80 meters,” said Jan-Willem Kok.


He is a director of the foundation that runs Artphy and sets up exhibitions there. The exhibition in the coming summer is called digestible . “It pays attention to the importance of eating more plant-based, more legumes for example,” says Kok. Twelve artists are participating.

One of them is Domenique Himmelsbach de Vries. The big cry for help comes from his tube. “He thought that in this time of so many crises, all help can be used, including help from the cosmos, ‘from above’. Hence this huge Help that can be seen from the sky. A cry for help that also fits the exhibition because lupine is a legume.”

Nature project

Pupils from the Regional School Community in Ter Apel and the Comenius College in Stadskanaal carried out the sowing work and were updated on, among other things, the importance of clean water. Kira Hiersemann, 18 years old and a pre-university education student in Ter Apel, was one of them. “We recently had a nature project at school. This ties in well with this. I think it’s good that alternative ways of eating are being considered.”
