Why does the Easter Bunny bring the eggs? And why are we coloring them?

By Anja Opitz

The time of joy begins on Easter Sunday: According to Christian tradition, after 40 days of fasting, the strict rules of renunciation can be broken – because Jesus Christ has risen. But why do we celebrate this event with colorful eggs, rabbits and lambs? Have fun with the big Easter quiz!

1. Where does the term Easter come from?

a) From the East: Jesus Christ is said to have lived in what is now the Middle East

b) Ostara, the Teutonic goddess of dawn

c) From the shout “Oh, a star!”

2. According to the Bible, what happened on Maundy Thursday?

a) Jesus went on a journey to Jerusalem

b) Jesus and his disciples took the last supper

c) Jesus gave a great speech

3. What does the “Kar” stand for in Good Friday?

a) Kar comes from Latin and means cross

b) Kar stands for the carp that Jesus ate as his last meal

c) Kar is Old German for lamentation, sorrow, mourning

4. What day was Jesus Christ crucified?

a) On Good Friday

b) On Easter Sunday

c) On Easter Monday

Jesus Christ

Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter is the most important Christian festival Photo: dpa

5. What is celebrated on Easter Monday?

a) Peace on earth

b) The news that two disciples had met the risen Jesus

c) Spring, which begins with Easter

6. Why doesn’t Easter always take place on the same date?

a) Because the church is based on the school holidays

b) Because the Pope’s diary is often full

c) Because it is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring

7. On which public holiday does Easter officially end?

a) Ascension

b) Pentecost

c) May 1st

8. How did the tradition of giving away eggs at Easter come about?

a) Eggs were cheap

b) Eggs were considered particularly valuable because they are so nutritious

c) Christians were not allowed to eat eggs during Lent. They were picked up and eaten at Easter

9. Why do we dye the eggs?

a) Because they look prettier in colorful Easter baskets

b) In the Middle Ages, boiled eggs were painted red to distinguish them from fresh ones

c) In the Renaissance this was used to mark which eggs contained chicks

10. Why do some chickens lay white, other brown eggs?

a) It depends on whether they have white or brown feathers

b) If the earlobe behind the hen’s earlobe is white, the hen lays white eggs. If it is red, the eggs will turn brown

c) The younger ones lay white ones, from 2 years they lay brown ones

Chicken with his flock of chicks

Chickens communicate with their chicks while they are still in the egg Photo: Adobe Stock

11. Why does a rabbit bring the Easter eggs?

a) Because, as a very fast animal, in people’s imaginations, it was best able to master the task “Eggs for everyone”.

b) It is considered a symbol for the awakening of spring

c) In Christian history, the hare stands for rebirth

12. Which rabbit from a children’s song by Rolf Zuckowski keeps falling on its face?

a) Stups, the little Easter bunny

b) Flups, the dashing runabout bunny

c) Mups, the cute Mummelbunny

13. What was the original meaning of the Easter lamb, now a pastry?

a) The lamb is a spring symbol

b) In the Old Testament the lamb is a sacrificial animal

c) Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a lamb

14. What is to be driven away with the traditional Easter bonfires?

a) Winter and evil spirits

b) unhappiness and suffering

c) quarrels and disputes

15. What are the people running for at the Easter March?

a) To honor Jesus Christ

b) For a happy Easter

c) For world peace

16. What blessing does the Pope pronounce on Easter Sunday?

a) Errare humanum est

b) Urbi et orbi

c) Carpe diem

Pope Francis gives the Easter blessing

In 2020, Pope Francis gave the Easter blessing because of Corona without public participation in St. Peter’s Basilica instead of in St. Peter’s Square Photo: dpa

17. What is the daffodil?

a) A church bell that only rings on Easter Sunday

b) A cake bell under which the Easter lamb sits

c) An early bloomer whose shape is reminiscent of bells

18. What are chocolate eggs often filled with?

a) Folded brittle

b) Knee-leg

c) bending nougat

19. Who brings the Easter eggs in Australia?

a) The female koala bears in their pouches

b) The kangaroo in the pouch

c) The bilby, a rabbit-like marsupial

20. A popular saying goes: My name is rabbit…

a) … I know

b) … I don’t know about anything

c) … I know where

Resolution: 1.b, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c, 7.b, 8.c, 9.b, 10.b, 11.c, 12.a, 13.b, 14.a, 15.c, 16.b, 17.c, 18.b, 19.c, 20.a
