One dead after being shot at a shooting club in Canovelles

A person has died after being shot in a Canovelles shooting club (Barcelona) by another person, whom the Mossos d’Esquadra are trying to identify and locate.

According to El País and police sources have confirmed to EFE, the shooting took place around 7:30 p.m. in a shooting club in Canovelles for reasons being investigated by the Mossos.

When the emergency services arrived at the establishment, they found the victim wounded by a firearm. He Sistema d’Emergèncias Médiques (SEM) has tried to revive himbut finally died.

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The Mossos d’Esquadra have opened a investigation to try to identify, locate and arrest the shooterfor which they have been deployed in the area, where they are carrying out various controls.

The victim had initially been critically injured due to gunshot wounds, although his death was certified shortly after, according to the sources.
