Run Altas Cumbres 2023: a race that must be run

If there is an ideal race to encourage you to make the leap from the street to the trail, that is it. Run High Summits: a competition that does not have as much unevenness as the Patagonian races, the weather is more than pleasant, the terrain allows running in several sections and, in addition, it has an organization that offers everything necessary so that runners feel more than cared for. And for the more experienced, it is an excellent post-competition tester such as Champa Ultra Trail or as prior to Patagonia Run.

It is the second year that I run the 21 Kilometers, one of the most chosen distances -there are also 6.5, 10, 42 and 60k– For the more than three thousand runners who each year take over the Cordoba town of Mina Clavero. Some take the opportunity to join swimming races or the classic Vuelta Altas Cumbres (mountain bike). It happens that the organization offers what they call a “High Peaks Experience”: three days of different sports activities that can even be combined in an award-winning option.

21K from within

After 7 am, and with an intense fog covering the mountains of the Altas Cumbres, we set off the 21K. Like a raid, with great enthusiasm and driven by the support of hundreds of spectators, thousands of souls took to the ring, to face rocky terrain, streams strengthened by the rains and green fields, while the sun began to rise.

The 60 and 42 kilometer competitors were already on the circuit, the latter, this year was part of the national championship that qualified for the world championship to be held in June in Austria. And a few hours later those of 10K and those of 6.5Kamong whom were the U20.

The constant rains that occurred until hours before the start of the 60º, late in the morning of Saturday 25, forced the organization to make last-minute changes to the circuit, since the streams had increased their flows and became dangerous to cross. This generated some inconveniences that the organization knew how to remedy immediately.

Luckily, when the clouds and fog had cleared, giving way to a sun that at times became too oppressive, something that was appeased with the great service and offer that one can find in each aid station. Thus we continue on a faster and more corridable circuit than in 2021, avoiding technical rocky climbs and descents and more than fast trails.

In the end, the great surprise of the 21K: to cross the stream, with water up to the waist and meters from the arch. Nobody expected it. The water ran mighty and strongmaking us all lose our balance and, more than one, ended up lying underwater, grabbed by one of the firefighters who formed the human cordon that prevented runners from being swept away by the current.

The water became pleasant, it was fresh and crystal clear. The problem was that everyone who left, the last thing he wanted was to continue running. But the arch was a few meters away, so to give it the last pull and, among a cordon of people cheering, each runner closed the stopwatch and got a beautiful medal that will adorn their medal tables.

Just because?

It is never good to go from the street to the high mountain trail, for various reasons, but the worst is that ignorance makes many underestimate the mountain and believe that because they managed to complete 42 kilometers street then they are ready to do the same distance on trail. Big mistake. It has nothing to do with training, timing or type of competition and wear. And, what is even worse, in times, since in the mountains it takes much longer.

That is why there are important and key races to take into account when taking that step. Many start with cross country, they are races with very little unevenness but that are run cross-country. They are like running on the street but on grass and dirt and the occasional crossing of water and mud. But for many that is little and they are looking for something more and that is where careers like High Peaks Run, where you will find corridable parts, climbs and fast and technical descents. But, above all, they are fairly bearable races and of relatively short duration. Ideal for taking that first step in the mountains or even for taking the leap over a greater distance.

And, in addition, the warmth and cordiality of the inhabitants of Mina Clavero give it an unbeatable setting. In short, a race that cannot be missing from your calendar.

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