biathlon | DSV hope ends career

Alongside the reigning individual European champion Lisa Maria Spark, Mareike Braun, who came second twice in the IBU Cup at the end of the last biathlon winter, and Johanna Puff, the two-time junior world champion from Schtschutschinsk 2023, Luise Müller won the junior Skijager World Championships 2022 in Soldier Hollow Silver. The 22-year-old also proved her talent in the IBU Cup in Pokljuka, where she made the top 10 in the sprint – now the youngster has surprisingly ended her career.

“Last season I had a lot of time to reflect and decided to say goodbye to the biathlon bubble. I want to challenge my mind more and explore more of the world,” explains Müller in a statement on Instagram and then turns with a wake-up call to the DSV.

She hopes “that the DSV will slowly wake up and make the broad promotion of young people and modern training methods a priority,” said Müller, who subsequently thanked her coaches, her family, her club and companions, but also critical tones don’t let it fall under the table.

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“Unfortunately, I’ve also met people for whom only athletic performance counts, instead of the person as a personality. Or coaches who have a completely distorted picture of training methods and the individuality of athletes.
So one more thing: Dear athletes, don’t just start working through your training plan, but also acquire modern knowledge about your body and training! You are the most important coach yourself,” is Müller’s urgent appeal.

Incidentally, the reactions to Müller’s post show that the long-standing DSV hopeful is not entirely wrong with her criticism. You have exactly “hit the mark”, praises Spark, for example. Braun adds that Müller “hit the nail on the head” and Germany’s biathlon figurehead Denise Herrmann, who recently ended her successful career, at least gave the post a “like”.
