Thirty remains in prison for murder in Ostend prostitution area

Thirty remains in prison for murder in Ostend prostitution area

The facts took place on the night of Saturday 2 to Sunday 3 October 2021 in the Progress Street. In the prostitution area, a thirty-year-old Frenchman got into a fight with two compatriots around 5:45 am. The victim sustained life-threatening injuries in the stabbing. He was taken to hospital, but died an hour later.

The two other people involved were arrested and later also arrested by the investigating judge. The first statements showed that a banal conflict was at the basis of the stabbing. A few days after the facts, MS (35) was released under conditions by the court. S. always remained on site and would also have called the emergency services. He had nothing to do with the stabbing itself.


Chaher B. (32) is still in prison. According to his lawyer, the suspect was attacked by the victim with a knife. The fatal knife stab is said to have been accidentally inflicted when he fell on the victim during the skirmish. B. also claims that there would have been a disagreement between S. and the victim about a woman.

Master Isaac Miller again unsuccessfully pressed for a conditional release and bail on Friday morning. B.’s counsel denounced the fact that it is still awaiting the court psychiatrist’s findings. The morality investigation in France has also not yet been completed. The defense will again appeal against the decision of the pre-trial chamber.

Meanwhile, on February 9, 2023, Chaher B. was sentenced by the Bruges criminal court to three months effective prison sentence for drug possession. On June 8, 2022, he had 0.4 grams of cannabis in the Bruges prison.

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