Woman (33) stabbed in front of the children – danger to life!

By Ole Kroning and Jörg Bergmann

Insidious attempted murder on the BVG bus! A young mother (33) was stabbed and critically injured on Tuesday afternoon in front of her two daughters on a bus. The perpetrator is on the run, apparently the woman is a random victim.

According to the police, the almost fatal knife attack occurred shortly after 5 p.m. on a bus on line 327 in the direction of Schönholz.

BZ reconstructs the bloody deed: Zeynep El-M rises at Leopoldplatz (Wedding). (33) with her two daughters, seven and nine years old. She has just picked up the children from a care facility and wants to go home. The perpetrator is already on the bus.

At the height of Schulstrasse/Reinickendorfer Strasse (Berlin-Gesundbrunnen), there was an abrupt attack. With his hooded jacket pulled over his head, the man pushes the two girls aside and stabs their mother. He hits his unsuspecting victim a total of seven times. Zeynep El-M is stabbed in the heart, lungs and abdomen. Passengers rush to her aid. The stabber breaks off. He escapes from the bus at the Nauener Straße stop.

Dozens of patrol cars rush to the crime scene. Officials are searching the area. Emergency doctor and paramedic care for the life-threateningly injured 33-year-old. She is operated on in the Virchow Clinic. Relatives tell the BZ that the operation, which lasted several hours, lasted until 4 a.m. Zeynep El-M. is being treated in intensive care. She is under police protection. According to her family, she is now out of danger and in stable condition. The two daughters are in the care of their family.

The first murder commission took over the investigation in the case. According to the police, the BVG bus was secured for an intensive search for clues. Recordings from the video surveillance in the bus are currently being evaluated.

It is unclear which man wanted to kill the young mother with so much hatred. Her two daughters testified that they had never seen the guy with the dark beard before. However, the girls and other witnesses were able to describe the perpetrator well. According to the public prosecutor’s office, there is no evidence of a relationship crime. Spokeswoman Karen Sommer to the BZ: “According to the investigations so far, the perpetrator and the injured party had no prior relationship. There is also no information about a previous dispute or the like.” The perpetrator, who is described by Zeynep’s daughters as a Mediterranean type, is still on the run.

Police are looking for clues and witnesses

The suspect is described as follows:

► grown man
► strong build
► dark full beard
► black hooded jacket
► blue jeans
► Dark (sports) shoes with a white edge and dark sole

The police ask: Who was a passenger on the 327 bus in the direction of Schönholz and made observations just before the Nauener Platz stop and has not yet reported them to the police? Who can provide information on the fugitive suspect? Who else can provide relevant information on the attempted homicide?

Please call (030) 4664 – 911111 for information or send an email to [email protected]
