Tynaarlo can continue with flex homes on the PBH site despite divisions in the council

Flexible homes for ’emergency seekers’ on the Prins Bernhardhoeve site in Zuidlaren are one step closer. Despite major divisions in the city council, the location is being prepared for construction as soon as possible.

In total, there must be room for a maximum of 100 emergency seekers. This mainly concerns status holders (asylum seekers with a residence permit). The municipality must offer shelter to at least 94 asylum seekers this year. The houses are expected to be located at the rear of the PBH site between five and seven years.

Preparing the site for construction costs 750,000 euros. A lot of money, according to the Tynaarlo city council. Reason enough for the VVD to submit a motion in which they ask the municipal executive to convert the temporary homes into permanent homes. In this way, the homes could still be used after five to seven years.

The VVD found support from the CDA, D66 and Tynaarlo Nu, but was defeated by one vote. Henk Middendorp (CDA) expressed his dissatisfaction with the three-quarters of a million that will be used to prepare the location for construction. “I can’t even get over how silly this proposal is,” he grumbled. “We just have to believe the alderman that it will work out. We believe in the church, we have to be sure here.”

Alderman Miguel Ririhena (GroenLinks) emphasized that flexible housing is urgently needed in order to retain control over the accommodation of status holders. He also promised to come up with a date for an information meeting about the temporary accommodation soon.

The alderman hopes to be able to provide clarity soon about what the homes will look like.
