Wilfred Genee: Friday longer broadcast Today inside | show

The decision is made. The trio Wilfred Genee, René van der Gijp and Johan Derksen will provide a longer broadcast on SBS 6 on Friday. Inside today. That’s what Genee said on tonight’s broadcast the talk show.

After some jokes and jokes, the talk show host stated: “We’ll be there on Friday with a longer broadcast.” With that, the trio put an end to rumors that had been circulating for some time. That SBS 6 after the flopped series Avastars on Friday evening a longer broadcast of Inside today wanted to make. The Friday edition of Veronica off side, Genee’s football talk show, had already been pulled from programming. The gentlemen are still negotiating a new two-year contract (with an option for a third year) that should bind them until the summer of 2025.

,,The content of the program remains the same and there will be room for live music in the show. Stays from Monday to Thursday Inside today at the usual time from 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm,” said a Talpa spokesperson.

For a long time, Van der Gijp did not seem to be in the mood for a longer broadcast, but he has now admitted. ,,I can say things like: ‘joh, I really like those short broadcasts’, and I think so too. They also run well. But if nothing is done with it after that, then it won’t keep me awake for weeks or anything,” he said. ,,Then let’s do it, you wanted to say?” Genee asked. ,,Yes, do it well”, says Van der Gijp.

According to Derksen there has ‘never been a problem’. “We never said, ‘we won’t do that’. At a certain point you also have to help the boss a little bit,” he said. Nevertheless, a new contract does not seem to have been signed yet by the three gentlemen. ,,I’m not signing yet, you know that”, said Derksen. “I only sign for a minimum of five years.”

Veronica Offside will from now on continue with one broadcast a week, on Monday evenings. “Friday evening broadcasts are cancelled. This because Inside today, which is also presented by Wilfred Genee, will start half an hour earlier on Fridays on SBS6 from 7 April. On Friday evening, reality is programmed on Veronica,” said a spokesperson for Talpa.

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