These are the luxury salaries at RBB

According to the report, self-enrichment at the expense of the broadcaster was considered normal in the RBB under ex-boss Schlesinger

Berlin’s scandal broadcaster RBB continues to pay luxury salaries – from the boss to the secretary Photo: picture alliance / Eibner-Presse

By Michael Sauerbier

Self-enrichment, nepotism, pomp and showmanship – the RBB has brought public broadcasting into disrepute. But the bosses and employees continue to be paid handsomely.

RBB director Katrin Vernau (49) celebrated it as a huge success: Last week her board of directors decided: The number of top positions will be halved, the top salaries will be reduced.

The twelve main department heads are to earn “only” 150,000 euros per year, the department heads 135,000. But that’s the same as before – just without the bonus!

RBB director Katrin Vernau is

RBB Director Katrin Vernau (49) collects 295,000 euros plus 18,000 euros housing allowance Photo: Christophe Gateau/dpa

For example, Oliver Jarasch, husband of Green Party leader Bettina Jarasch, received a “basic salary” of 136,741 euros plus a bonus of 14,156 euros. He had to “voluntarily” forego the 2023 premium because of the Raffke scandal – like 30 other RBB managers. The new salary concept only continues this waiver.

RBB salaries in 2022

RBB salaries in 2022 Photo: BZ

Even top earners like RBB editor-in-chief David Biesinger have no real losses: he and the two deputy directors will in future receive 2,200 euros per month in addition to the highest standard salary. Makes 161,292 euros – as much as Biesinger’s basic salary without the 23,760 euro bonus.

Greens top candidate Bettina Jarasch and husband Oliver on their way to the polling station for the new election in February 2023

Green leader Bettina Jarasch’s husband Oliver received 150,897 euros from RBB and now has to forego the bonus Photo: Axel Heimken/dpa

The employee representatives protest. “All employees should fit into the collective bargaining structure of the RBB,” they demand. “The impression must not be given that some people continue to enrich themselves and that public broadcasting is a ‘self-service shop’.”

dr  David Biesinger

RBB Editor-in-Chief David Biesinger will continue to be paid handsomely in the future Photo: rbb/Gundula Krause

But this is the impression given by the RBB tariff table: After a few years of service, editors collect more than 100,000 euros per year, secretaries 70,000 euros. Plus family allowance, extra child support, pension and lifelong job security.

According to the Stepstone job exchange, secretaries earn an average of 34,800 euros a year in Germany.


Berlin Brandenburg salary rbb broadcasting
