Women’s Happiness: Does Age Matter?

Lto women’s happiness? Sure that it changes with age. But results can displace many stereotypes. It is the first data that emerges from theinsight done for iO Woman by the sociologist and pollster Enrico Finzi on the data processed by AstraRicerca. Of the investigation, carried out for the association I am at the end of 2022 on a significant sample of 1415 people, males and females aged 18 to 75, on the subject of happiness, we focused on segment 55-75. In turn divided into two bands, 55-64 year olds and 65-75 year olds. che Finzi respectively labeled as “late adult” and “new old”.

The three S’s and women’s happiness

TO affect the joy of living of the new old ones, are the three “S”: health, sex, loneliness. Among the over 65s, one in five has a chronic disease (1 in ten among the 55/64 year olds), And sleep-related problems also affect the older ones more: 48 percent suffer from it compared to 38 percent of late adults .

Let’s talk about sex

An important role in the determine women’s happiness (and of men, of course) is sexual satisfaction. “Which does not coincide with the fact of making love often, or having complete relationships,” explains Finzi. “But it extends to affection, made up of hugs, caresses, kisses, looks. The absence of sex, a real phenomenon of “sexual misery”, applies to 42 percent of older women. And for 35 percentabout a third, of late adults. In most cases it is collapse or zeroing of the coital frequency. It depends on the loss of the partner/husband/companion (due to death or separation). From the perceived decline in one’s erotic appeal. From real rejection of lovemaking after a certain age. And there is, especially in the more isolated centres, there social disapproval of being sexually active in old age. In a seventh of the cases, lovemaking is enforced by the partner. So not at all welcome and gratifying» explains the pollster.

Love and sex: the true and the false about pleasure

Your body the 48 percent of the older age group say they don’t love him. A statement shared by 38 percent of the younger age group. While 63 percent (versus 49 percent) does not feel attractive and seductive.

Being or feeling alone

In conditioning the happiness of new old women is also the painful and penetrating perception of solitude. «A negative, abandoning solitude» defines Finzi. “The 57 percent of 65-75 year olds declares to have no one to look after her. Among 55-64 year olds this is true for a lower 51 per cent. She is not hugged, cuddled (45 percent compared to 34 percent of late adults. And al 35 percent don’t like doing group activities (compared to 28 percent of late adults).

Happy… surprisingly

And yet, «In this age group there is room for joy. There are 34 percent of people who describe themselves as very unhappy. And whose unhappiness has increased in the three-year period 2020-2022», underlines the sociologist, «But next to it there is a 34 percent of women who rate their happiness from 8 to 10».

The happiness of late adult women

Everything takes on more nuanced hues among the 55-64 year olds. «Average unhappy, 28 percent, average happy (29 percent give top marks to their joy of living). The 55-64 year olds attribute their dissatisfaction to the greater difficulties in relationships with themselves and with others. For a mix of indecision and indifference. For the desire to be another person or the tiredness of living. For severe mood swings. For a sense of brake or inner block. For the need for psychological support» enumerates Finzi.

The imprinting of the seventies

Why this gap? Unlike the “big sisters” the women born around the sixties they were too young to be «exposed to the great social and cultural transformations of the 1970s. Those who have inscribed in the new old women the trust in change and in the effectiveness of their commitment, which still supports their self-esteem today. One thing above all: 86 percent feel “proud of what they’ve accomplished in their life”» underlines the pollster. «In general, the most older women are more happily endowed with self-confidence. In their own opinions and decisions (69 percent versus 59 percent of more cautious late adults). They turn out happier sociable, outgoing, talkative (65 percent compared to 56 percent of the “little sisters”). They enjoy having a secret inner world (53 percent versus 48 percent).”

The role of grandchildren, friends and… books

More generally, with old age, relationships with family members change. 48 percent of the older ones (vs. 36 percent) “does the grandmother” . For 5/6 fifths with joy against less than half of the 55-64 year olds. Even friendships in part transform and grow. The 65-75 year olds have more girlfriends and friends (84 percent against 78 percent of the younger ones).
The changes in terms of pleasures, amusements and amusements also appear to be notable. Identical it is the love of movies (85 percent) and higher than that for reading (78 percent versus 71 percent). The most common pleasure of traveling and discovering new worlds (67 percent vs. 60 percent) as well as of going to the theater (64 percent vs. 57).

And that for fashion, dance, sport and good food

Also 55-64 year olds love life, and what the heck! But the sectors where their interest expands are more. 58 percent are looking for trendy and fashionable elegance73 percent he loves novelty technological, exclusive experiences attract 43 percent. Dancing is still a passion for 53 percent of target women. As well as the pleasure of eating and drinking well appreciated by 66 percent of late adults.

Happiness comes from self-esteem

“It is like the new old women in their hearts kept the wind of the future that they felt blowing when they were youngthe. And if they are the first to consider the evolution of the society that originated from it too slow, something however they feel they have moved. She exasperates them how long the “to do list” still is. And their resentment is also towards partners who have remained anchored to archaic models of family and social relationships. But that breeze brought good news into their lives. She kept them generous, as they define themselves, curious about others and the world» continues his portrait Erico Finzi. With late adult women, however, they share much more than meets the eye. For example, imagination (74 percent), the desire to change, evolve, improve (66 percent). Which in the older ones veers towards a greater taste for reflection and meditation (70 to 60 percent).

Frankness becomes a value

Furthermore, the neo-elderly sThey are more satisfied with not being meek or gentle but rather aggressive (48 percent versus 40 percent). They believe that they “think for themselves” to the same extent as the younger ones. Even if they are less able to assert themselves with others (65% against 75). Noare not leaders in groups (67 percent) but equally they perceive themselves as combative and oppositional. This does not mean that values ​​and ideals have less weight: on the contrary, the elderly look more for the meaning of life and derive happiness from it (66 percent).

A legacy for the Millennials

That’s why we can say that the new old women have a legacy for the millennial generation. Their portrait has a jagged profile, where happiness and unhappiness are clearer and emotions, values, ideals, relationships are lived more intensely. This puts them in natural connection with the under 35s, the girls who find it most difficult to find a place in the world today. And in their search they investigate in every direction. Here you are the legacy that the older ones seem to deliver to the Millenials: «Follow your passions, don’t reduce everything to a career, dare to hope. Especially the collective onewhich unites you for common goals,” says the pollster.

A long life hope for all

As for the hope for itselfthe latest surprise. That of living a long time is only slightly lower among the older ones (80 percent versus 84 percent of late adults). And the anguish at the thought of one’s own death is the same from 55 years of age, around 60 percent of women.

