Ligue 1 says no: no stop at the matches to eat in the Ramadan sunsets

Threatened disciplinary or criminal proceedings. “The federation and affiliated bodies must defend the fundamental values ​​of the French Republic, to prevent any discrimination…”. In England there is an ok to stop to help Muslim players eat at sunset

France has at least six million Muslims, a tenth of the population, according to the latest demographic study by Insee (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies). The recent history of the French national team is full of stars of the Islamic faith, from Zidane to Benzema. However, this does not mean that the French Football Federation is willing to make exceptions, such as happened in England where matches in the Premier League and lower leagues can be interrupted to allow Muslim players who follow Ramadan to eat at sunset.


In Paris, on the other hand, the opposite path was taken, as formalized by a communication from the Federal Commission of Referees intended for match officials at all levels: “It has been brought to our knowledge – reads the finished document on social networks – that some matches have been interrupted to allow the suspension of the Ramadan fast. Such interruptions do not comply with federal statutes. Federation and affiliated bodies, as entrusted with a public service, must defend the fundamental values ​​of the French Republic, to prevent any discrimination (…). For this reason, political, ideological, religious, trade union speeches are prohibited during competitions or sporting events linked to the Federation; any sign or outfit that flaunts political, philosophical, religious or trade union affiliation; every act of proselytism, propaganda and incivility”. Non-compliance with the regulations, the Commission reminds us, “exposes us to disciplinary and/or penal procedures (…) because a stadium or a football field or a gymnasium are not places of political or religious expression, but of neutrality where the values ​​of the sport, of equality, brotherhood, impartiality (…)”.


The provision is in line with French legislation which since 2004 has repeatedly enforced the ban on wearing religious signs in an ostentatious way in schools and subsequently in places of public institutions, but also the burqa on the street. For example, the Football Federation has banned the veil for female soccer players, as required by Fifa. In any case, the issue of secularism regularly raises controversies and debates in the country. The latest demographic study by Insee revealed that in the last 10 years, the number of women wearing the Islamic veil has increased by 55%. And 10% among those aged between 18 and 49 years.
