Schoorl forest (you) for sale for 3.5 tons: “It’s a bit of peace”

With a size of about eight thousand square meters, say about one and a half football fields, it is not a jungle in which you can hopelessly get lost. If you nevertheless still have three and a half tons lying around somewhere, you might as well become the owner of your own forest. The current owner once bought it to secure the beautiful view from his home, but now wants to get rid of it.

In Schoorl, a forest is for sale for three and a half tons – NH News

On the piece of land, which is located right next to the visitor center of the Schoorlse Duinen, there are mainly pedunculate oaks, but also maples, birches and poplars. According to the brochure of the selling broker, it is a paradise for many birds, insects, hedgehogs and squirrels. In addition, beautiful colors can be found in the autumn as well as the most beautiful mushrooms.

Three and a half tons? That is nothing at all for such a beautiful piece of forest

Active sportsman

No building land

A jogger who has just completed a run is surprised at the asking price. “Three and a half tons? You don’t mean that,” said the sportsman. “That is nothing at all for such a beautiful piece of forest.” Incidentally, the enthusiasm quickly diminishes when it becomes clear to him that it is not a building plot. “Well, if I want to jog I just go into nature here. That’s free.”

“There are all kinds of protected plants growing here, such as wild garlic”

neighbor of the forest for sale

Eighty-year-old Kees Bakker has been living right next to a piece of forest for just as long. “I was born and raised here,” says Bakker. “My cousin, who used to live next door, once bought the forest for the view. It’s a piece of peace.” His neighbor is not entirely reassured now that the forest plot is for sale. “All kinds of protected plants grow here, such as wild garlic,” she says. “But they don’t tell you that in the brochure.” She says that in her spare time she makes sure the hiking trails stay tidy. “But if there is a new owner soon, they’ll just have to find someone else!”

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