“That’s a really sad girl, so sad!”

Marije Knevel is put through the wringer in the infamous showbiz podcast De Juice Show. “That Marije… I actually just find her sad. Sad. So busy with what others think.”

© AvroTros

Marije Knevel’s Instagram feed falls under the heading of ‘irritainment’. The daughter of Andries Knevel, who left Shownieuws because she no longer attracted the negative reviews (Angela de Jong called her ‘unbearably empty’), is very much profiling herself on social media as an ordinary girl who occasionally pretty crazy.

sense of self

It is obvious that Marije really wants to be praised as an authentic person with a good heart. For example, she recently posted a story about how she had already paid for the next fifteen customers at a coffee shop, to give them a good day. And lanky photos of themselves at typical Insta photo spots are also a regular fixture.

It causes annoyance to Yvonne Coldeweijer and Mark Koster, the presenters of the podcast The Juice Show. Yvonne: “Marije is very easy to control, so also very impressionable. Of course she has little sense of self. So she measures her self-worth with comments from others about how she is doing.”

No inner man

That is precisely what bothers Mark so much. He says, “That’s what I really struggle with. That she has no inner… She doesn’t seem to be an inner person. That may sound very harsh. It is a kind of ball that you knead on. It goes to the hand in which you knead her. I’m following her now. And that’s actually really bad. That is actually a waste of my time.”

He continues: “We almost have a species guilty pleasure with her. But she seems intrinsically a good person.”

Yvonne: “I think so too. That she is sweet, but I would like to give her a course in self-esteem.”


Mark thinks that Marije should be careful with her trick. “Yes. The things she does… Then she kind of wants to act a little gangly, stupid to get the attention. Like: I’m so nice and crazy, but everything is invented crazy. So now she has one of those things left that the bras pinch her.”

Yvonne: “She is just looking for content and then she wants to present herself as a bit of ‘I am so ordinary’, so that we can then relate with her. So that she can be our example.”

Mark: “Yes, but that is not the case at all. (…) That Marije, I just find that really sad. Sad.”

Group app

Marije’s Insta stories are also circulating in a group app that Yvonne is part of. “Well, other friends are apparently more into it than I am. I don’t even follow her. I’m not much into irritainment, because I already do that for my job, of course, but I don’t find her fascinating enough to post about. So no irritainment for my hobby.”

Recently Marije also posted that a critic of hers has repented and handed out a compliment. She then posted that including the compliment. Mark: “She is obsessed with what others think of her. She is as she put it in psychology ‘other directed‘ to call. She is focused on what others think of her.”

Very sad

Yvonne is allergic to that. “So Marije has risked a post, because it wants to show: people, there was someone who hated me, but I tackled that. Because when that person got to know me and really followed me, it turned out that I’m not that much to hate. That is very sad.”

Mark: “It just gives me a bit of an itch.”

Yvonne: “Yeah, it’s just pathetic.”

Mark: “That must be your girlfriend. That is busy with itself all day long.”


Mark also feels a bit guilty that they are bullying Marije like this: “Yeah, well you know, we’re just basking her here now. That’s actually not nice either. But I really feel sorry for her.”

He concludes: “She wants so badly to be liked. And because she wants to be liked so badly, no one likes her. That is it. It’s the paradox of her.”


Marije on Instagram with ‘the man’:
