Hertha’s defeat at the bottom of the table is Korkut’s bankruptcy

Bankruptcy for Hertha at Greuter Fürth. In addition, a comment from Nahne gingersen, Vice-Head of Sports of the BZ

The moment that sent shivers down my spine watching Hertha’s game in Fürth was when I realized that Hertha’s players were serious about it.

This team does not play against the coach. She can’t do any better at the moment.

1:2 with the clear tail light. Sure, the 0:1 after a few seconds was unfortunate and also unsettled the weakened defense. The coach is then all the more asked to talk to the team, to coach them in a targeted manner and to change them early on.

Hertha coach Tayfun Korkut did not succeed in that. The Fürth embarrassment is above all his bankruptcy.


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