Incredibly easy and delicious food made from tortillas

Pan-roasted quesadillas are an easy and delicious way to make use of tortillas.

Tortillas should definitely be used for more than making plain filled tortillas. Quesadillas are a Mexican delicacy where a tortilla is heated in a pan until crispy. Cheese and, for example, meat, beans or vegetables are put inside it.

The cheese melts inside the quesadilla to become delicious and, as the name suggests, is the most essential part of this dish. Otherwise, you can also make good use of leftovers from the refrigerator in fillings. For example, did you have minced meat sauce, chicken left over from the day before, or did you forget half-shriveled vegetables in the fridge? Put them in between a quesadilla.


1 pkt tortillas (for example, flavored with carrots)

salsa sauce

pepperoni sausage

grated cheese

fresh arugula

1. Put the tortilla on a dry pan and add salsa, pepperoni slices, grated cheese and arugula to the other half.

2. Roast in a pan until the cheese starts to melt.

3. Turn the empty side of the tortilla over the side with the filling.

4. Remove from pan and cut in half.

5. Serve warm.


Mexican food culture essentially includes queso fresco, which is made from cow’s milk. The cheese is white in color and very mild in taste.

Due to its mildness and soft, slightly feta-like texture, the cheese is quite versatile. It can be used like halloumi or feta, for example. Queso fresco could be described as a cross between feta and ricotta, but it is still its own, unique self.

In Mexican food culture, queso fresco is often crumbled on top of dishes, for example beans, tacos or soups. When it’s full, it does a good job of burning Mexican, fiery dishes.

You should put a little salsa between the quesadillas to give it a kick. Adobe Stock / AOP
