Decide for yourself how much vacation you want

By Isabel Pancake

Come and go to work when you want, vacation as much as you need, salary according to your own wishes and all without a boss. Sounds like a dream – or like self-employment: But it’s also reality in Berlin companies!

“New Work” is the name of the concept for modern and flexible forms of work. The Kreuzberg company “Einhorn Products” is the absolute pioneer. The manufacturer of condoms and period products in funny packaging offers its 25 employees all the freedom you can imagine!

When eating in the kitchen, something can also be quickly discussed Photo: Olaf Selchow

While the four-day week is still being discussed in federal politics, Einhorn has had it for more than half a year. “We count 32 hours as full-time,” says Markus Wörner (42), who is responsible for marketing at the company. Where you work these 32 hours – also completely free.

Markus Wörner (42) from Marketing: “We want to create a working environment in which it is fun to perform” Photo: Olaf Selchow

Either in the colorful office space in Kreuzberg (door handles in the shape of penises and vulvas!), at home or in a café. Wörner: “We don’t have framework working hours. Anyone can start and stop whenever they want.”

If you need a day off instead of leaving work early, you get that too. “You don’t have to apply for a holiday with us. You just have to discuss it briefly with your colleagues beforehand,” says Wörner.

Dogs are also allowed in the office: dachshund lady Maja (5) is often there Photo: Olaf Selchow

And further: “Of course there is a legal minimum entitlement to vacation. On average, everyone takes a bit more vacation time than standard employers offer,” says Wörner. Means: 30 to 40 vacation days per year.

How much everyone in the company earns is visible to everyone in an Excel spreadsheet. You have complete say in your own salary. “We make a salary proposal and everyone can then correct it by 2,000 euros up or down,” says Wörner.

Francesca P. (29) from Customer Service: “In my home office, I usually start at 7 a.m. and finish early. My boyfriend has a rather inflexible job, so it’s great for our relationship life” Photo: Olaf Selchow

If an employee has a child, there is another 700 euros gross on top! That will not be exploited. “If we think the salary is too high, we give feedback. That is usually accepted,” explains Wörner.

There would also have been employees who would have adjusted their earnings downwards. And: The best-paid employee may only earn four times as much as the lowest-paid.

Mona L. (28) from the sales area: “I usually come into the office and start early. I’m often out of breath in the afternoon. I’ll probably only take 25 days off this year” Photo: Olaf Selchow

Incidentally, there is no longer a real boss at Einhorn. The two founders have handed over responsibility.

Everyone takes on a leadership role from time to time – always for a short time.

Here, too, work is done as the employees want it to be

In addition to “Einhorn Products”, there are many other Berlin companies that are breaking new ground. BZ presents three examples.

► Octo sweater

At the Kreuzberg fashion label Oktopulli, many things are similar to “Einhorn Products”: Here, too, the tailors were asked at the beginning what they would like to earn for their work. The minimum salary should not only cover housing and food, but also important hobbies.


The manufacturer of glass and stainless steel bottles lives the so-called “holocracy”. There are no hierarchies here. The employees take care of the tasks to be completed autonomously.


With the green search engine from Wedding, the focus is primarily on flexible working. Employees can also work from home for long periods at a time, and no meetings are scheduled for two days of the work week.
