So many snow in Californian ski resorts that ze al zeker tot June can openblijven | Buitenland

Mammoth Mountain, a popular resort in the oostelijke Sierra Nevada, was due for the last week aan that he was at least dead and July open for winter sports. “We are streven ernaar om de liften te laten draaien tot zolang de omstandigheden dat toeleten, wat dit seizoen zeker tot augustus kan duren”, says Lauren Burke, hoofd communicatie van het winter sports area weten aan ‘CNN’. “It has been the best snowfall we have ever had in de lente.”

Also in the ski areas of Lake Tahoe as it is in most snowy periods during that time. Since kan al zeker been skied tot the beginning of July, it sounds.

Californië heeft de afgelopen weken te maden had with dramatic weersomstandigheden. During winter storms in the north of the Americas, the state was hebben in the middle of the year. Although there are rains and winds, there is a risk of damage in large parts of Noord-Californië. Zelfs Hollywood will be covered with a long snow.

When January was the word of the state taken by noodweer, hoewel de region in het verleden in dezelfde period vaak last had van droogte en dorheid. The ground is reeds covered.
