Bryan Vreijsen is going to eat with the king and ask him some questions

King Willem-Alexander has been on the throne for ten years at the end of April. And that is what our monarch wants to celebrate with his ‘subjects’. “In the past ten years I have met a lot of people who are committed to other people,” he says in the now well-known video. Together with Maxima, he invites people to lunch who, in the eyes of others, deserve an A. Like Bryan Vreijsen from Tilburg. He is the driving force behind the Brabant Maatjes Foundation.

Bryan was working on Thursday when he received a call from someone from the Royal House. “Would I want to be at lunch on April 26? That was a bit of a shock. The employee said that many people had nominated me for lunch. I had an idea what the reason for the invitation could be,” he says in the TV program Brabant Today.

The Tilburger is in fact the driving force behind the Brabantse Maatjes Foundation. The foundation is committed to lonely young people. “I myself was lonely for a number of years and then I founded a foundation.” Bryan sets up many activities for lonely young people via Facebook.

“Perhaps I can ask the king a few more questions?”

“We have grown considerably. The Facebook page now has about 1350 members. The activities fill up quickly and there is a great demand for new activities,” says Bryan proudly. “Many friendships have arisen. Some celebrate Christmas together, normally they would have been home alone.”

From lonely sitting at home to lunch with the king and queen. That’s quite a step. What does Bryan expect from lunch? “I want to chat with everyone. Maybe I can ask the king a few questions or tell something about my foundation.”

What does Bryan actually hope that the royal couple will serve him. “A nice lunch with pistolets of meat or sprinkles,” says Bryan modestly. “Queen soup maybe?”, suggests presenter Coen Theuwis. “That would fit the theme,” Bryan replies.

READ ALSO: Bryan has shaken off loneliness with Brabantse Maatjes: ‘I hated Christmas’
