‘This is the wrong woman’

Tom Egbers’ former mistress is verbally assaulted after Yvonne Coldeweijer’s revelation that she has a connection with de Volkskrant and that she would be working on a book about the affair.


Some doubts have arisen about the motives of Tom Egbers’ former mistress, whose story has led to the presenter not being seen on television in the coming months. According to her own Instagram biography, the lady works for de Volkskrant and Yvonne Coldeweijer states that she is working on a book about her affair with Tom.

Wrong woman

René van der Gijp brought it up yesterday Inside today, the most watched talk show in the Netherlands. “That Tom… Look, we as men are now constantly put in the corner of course, but you can also run into the wrong woman, right? Have you ever thought about that?”

He continues: “That you run into the wrong one and that you think: what have I started? Tom must have bumped into the wrong one, because she’s writing a book right now, right? Yes, I hope about that relationship. Then I really lie down in front of the bookstore, I really want it, hahaha. The book will be called De Tongzoen. haha.”


Johan Derksen wonders whether this former mistress may have commercial motives. “Of course it is commercial, because the Netherlands is such that they will buy such a book en masse.”

Table guest Valentijn Driessen: “Everyone also watched Khalid & Sophie en masse.”

René laughs: “Would there also be a film?”

Johan: “Then Janke Dekker can play herself.”

Wilfred Genee: “How can you write a book about this? What’s it all about, dude?”

René: “Yes, about how she experienced that with Tom, that tongues, for three years.”

Dennis goes wild

Dennis Schouten, presenter of RoddelPraat, goes even further. He recently wrote one extensive post about his positive experience with Tom and now generously jumps into the breach for him. In the latest episode of his popular gossip show, he reveals the name of the mistress.

Like Yvonne, he has learned that the lady in question is working on a book. “She is currently writing a book about her affair with Tom Egbers.”

Co-host Jan Roos: “So it’s a commercial product, that whole article. This is a pre-announcement in de Volkskrant with a Volkskrant employee, who soon wants to sell her booklet about her affair with Tom Egbers.”


Tom’s former mistress is severely tackled by the gentlemen. For example, Jan calls her a ‘bitch’ and Dennis tweets: ‘Anonymous affair Tom Egbers disappeared from the internet after it became known that she had put lies on paper together with de Volkskrant. What a bitch.”

The former mistress herself has not yet responded to the accusations against her.
