Votes are counted again in Oss

Vote counters in Oss have to get back to work on Wednesday. The votes of eight polling stations for the Provincial Council elections and Water Board elections will be recounted. According to the municipality, the results of the bureaus showed an inexplicable difference.

Last week it was allowed to vote for the Provincial Council elections and Water Board elections. After such an election, polling stations draw up an official report, in which the bureau accounts for the counting of the votes. Based on this, the result of an election is recorded.

The official reports of eight polling stations in Oss revealed a difference that could not be explained. It has therefore been stipulated that all votes must be recounted. This will happen Wednesday morning at the town hall. The final result will be announced no later than nine o’clock in the evening.

READ ALSO: View the election results here, this is how you voted in your municipality
