Scholz: The Ukraine war will not end soon

DÜSSELDORF (dpa-AFX) – Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) does not expect the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine to end anytime soon. “We have to be prepared for the fact that it can take a long time,” Scholz said on Monday evening at the Rheinische Post’s Ständehaus meeting in Düsseldorf.

He doesn’t believe in the concept, neither do those in government nor the head of the Kremlin Wladimir Putin to be replaced by force from outside, emphasized the Chancellor. US President Joe Biden told him that the US would not pursue this as a political concept either. “I support the American President in this idea.” Russia cannot dictate the conditions for peace to Ukraine, Scholz continued. “Ukraine must be able to defend its integrity and independence.”/beg/DP/jha
