Russia may launch an invasion of Ukraine before the end of the Olympics

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told a White House briefing that Russia allegedly may launch an invasion of Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics. American and British television channels have even calculated scenarios according to which the troops will reach Kiev in just two days. Foreign diplomatic missions are evacuating personnel. Meanwhile, NATO is building up its forces in Eastern Europe.

American technology is already on the Black Sea coast of Romania. Three columns of 16 units each enter the Constanta gate. During the Second World War, it was the main naval base of the country. Even now they are trying to turn the largest port of Romania into a foothold. NATO intends to place its battle groups here, scaring everyone with the Russian threat.

“We are now exploring the possibility of our long-term presence in the eastern part of the alliance, including Romania, and also, possibly, the presence of battle groups in other countries of southeastern Europe. This will be discussed at a meeting of NATO defense ministers next week. And I expect that they will approve the further deployment of forces,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said.

The Secretary General of the alliance personally inspects the Romanian airbase Mihael Kogalniceanu, the very one where the Romanians have been plundering American jet fuel for years. From here, NATO reconnaissance planes take off regularly to keep an eye on Russia. Now, against the background of the aggravation of the situation with Ukraine, the US Air Force is also deploying F-16 fighters from Germany to Romania.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine can take place at any time. I will not disclose our intelligence, but I want to be clear: the attack can occur during the Olympics, despite speculation that this will be possible only after the end of the Games,” said a US presidential adviser National Security Officer Jake Sullivan.

The Western press is very passionate about the scenarios of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The British channel Sky News replicates the map drawn by their American counterparts from NBC. Overseas, they are sure that Square will allegedly be taken into a vice, starting the operation from two sides. What they don’t write about is that elite units of Russian special forces are deployed near the borders of Ukraine. And even that Kiev will be taken in just a couple of days:

“According to a US intelligence report, the Russian military could reach Kiev within 48 hours. It is said to be likely that they could enter the country via nine different routes. Up to 50,000 civilians could be killed or injured.”

Against this background, the staff of the US Embassy in Kiev is being reduced. The families of its diplomats are also evacuating Israel. Japan and South Korea have banned citizens of their countries from visiting Ukraine. They introduced the maximum level of danger for trips to Nezalezhnaya.

The Netherlands recommends that the subjects of the kingdom immediately leave Ukraine and create an emergency support center for their citizens in the Lviv region near the Polish border.

The situation in Ukraine was collectively discussed via video link by US President Joe Biden and the leadership of the EU, NATO, Canada, as well as a number of European states. The meeting participants agreed that “any further Russian aggression against Ukraine will cost dearly.”

“We assess what is happening as an escalation. This also applies to the exercises and the pulling of forces that we see on the border. Our role in this situation is to prepare for any development of events. But I am not ready to give specific forecasts,” the official representative of the White House comments on the situation. Jen Psaki.

The whole world, apparently, also composed a response to Sergey Lavrov, who sent it to countries OSCE letters with questions about how they are going to fulfill their obligations not to strengthen their security at the expense of other states. Moscow was waiting for specific answers from specific countries, but received collective excuses.

“The OSCE documents and the Russia-NATO documents, which fix the principle of the indivisibility of security, bear the signatures of the states and governments of the respective countries. The countries participate in the OSCE in their national capacity. And it is in this capacity that they pledged not to strengthen their security at the expense of others. Therefore, we “We cannot accept such a collective response, which resembles a mutual responsibility. We are waiting for a detailed reaction to the question sent by the Russian side from each addressee. And such evasions mean that the West does not want the commitments taken through the OSCE and Russia-NATO,” the official said. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova.

Despite the fact that Moscow has offered the US and NATO to accept Russian initiatives on mutual security guarantees, the West stubbornly continues both aggressive rhetoric and hostile actions.

In Ukraine, only recently, 25 aircraft with American weapons have landed, the US diplomatic mission in Kiev reported. It is not difficult to guess against whom all this ammunition will then be used. Considering that at the latest negotiations on the Normandy format, Kiev actually refused to follow the Minsk agreements.


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