Refueling at the pump even more expensive this weekend | Money

Diesel is even 0.4 cents more expensive. With a liter price of 1,869 euros, this is also the highest level ever.

Prices at the pump have been rising for some time. This is partly due to the tensions at the border between Russia and Ukraine and the high demand for fuel caused by the economic recovery from the corona crisis.

Another factor is the fact that the large oil-producing countries of oil cartel OPEC and ally Russia continue to be prepared to open the oil tap considerably extra.

Lower prices

UnitedConsumers has been monitoring the development of prices at the pump since November 2000. The lowest recommended retail price for Euro95 was measured on December 13, 2001. At that time it was 1.049 euros per litre.

Pump owners can deviate from the recommended prices of the major oil producers. Motorists usually pay the most at gas stations along the highway. According to price comparator, it is currently still possible to refuel Euro95 for less than 1.90 euros per liter at various cheap pumps.


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