US Russia drone: what’s happening in the skies over the Black Sea

Different versions of what happened over the Black Sea, let’s see what the situation is

Riccardo Cristilli

March 15, 2023

– Russia

An American drone has ended up in the waters of the Black Sea after a collision with a Russian jet. This is the dry report of what happened in the last few hours in international waters in the scenario areas of the war between Russia and Ukraine. However, the reconstructions of what really happened differ between the two parties involved.

drone shot down: the US version

The Americansaccording to an official quoted by CNN, argue that the MQ-9 Reaper drone it was operating over the Black Sea when it was attacked by Russian jets in international waters. The two Russian jets would have surrounded it, then one of the two flew over the drone dumping some of the fuel to obscure its view and then darting in front of it and hindering its flight. James B. Hecker, head of the US Air Force in Europe, then explained that one of the Russian jets hit the drone causing it to crash.

the Russian version of the crash between the drone and the jet

The Russian version is a little different. The Ministry of Defense of Moscow said the Reaper drone proceeded with its beacon turned off heading towards Russia. At that point the two jets tried to identify him approaching but, following some abrupt maneuvers by the drone, it lost altitude and crashed. So no excuses come from Moscow because they believe that the initiative of their jets was legitimate. On the contrary, Moscow is irritated by these American reconnaissance missions aimed at gathering information for the Ukrainian resistance. The duel between the aircraft would have lasted about 40 minutes and triggered the alarm in the NATO commands of the NATO base in Costanza as well as the aircraft carrier moored in Crete.

the downed drone

The White House immediately tried to prevent the drone from falling into enemy hands. “Without going into details I can say that we have taken steps to protect our actions against the drone,” he said John Kirby coordinator of the National Security Council. A drone that had no weaponsaccording to New York Times, but the reapers it is a fragile and slow vehicle, designed for campaigns against jihadist terrorism in which there was no enemy anti-aircraft. This is why he has been relegated to the second line since 2020 but the sudden Russian invasion of Ukraine has changed the situation.

clash usa – russia

The Russian ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov he toned down after being summoned by the US State Department: “We are not looking for confrontation” he declared, and then added that American planes should not arrive at the Russian border, “imagine if such a drone appeared near New York or San Francisco” demanding that the Americans cease operations on the Russian border. Meanwhile British and German fighter planes have intercepted a Russian military plane which had arrived over the airspace of theEstonia, according to what was written in a tweet by the BBC. The Russian plane would have passed through Estonian airspace without announcing its passage and the two planes would have escorted it out of that airspace. In the last hours Vladimir Putin has declared that the war in Ukraine has become a vital conflict to ensure the existence of the Russian state. In the last few hours there have been strong clashes in the Donbass in Bakhmut, a disputed city between Russia and Ukraine.
