Amerikaans Congress gives info about the outbreak of a pandemic | Buitenland

Het Amerikaanse Congres had a long day beforehand, the de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten toelaat de informatie die Zebben vergaard over de oorsprong van de coronapandemie te delen. Disappearing services gaan ervan uit dat het gaat om een ​​laboratorylek.

The text will not be given by the Chamber of Public Trustees after that or by the Senate in the first place. President Joe Biden should now acknowledge it. National Intelligence Director Avril Haines says that the 90 days of the day about all information about possible connections between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the outbreak of the coronavirus are present.

A new coronavirus, responsible for COVID-19, has happened since three years in the Chinese province where it was spread over the world, what it cost at least seven million people in life. Wetenschappelijke community groups that are disappearing are trying to avoid the risk of the virus being present and will learn from trekking in the event of a subsequent pandemic.

Avril Haines declared just before the week before the Congress that the consensus was that the virus was biologically active and genetically manipulated. Maar de Amerikaanse onderzoekers menen dat het gaat om een ​​laboratoriumlek of een contact met een besmet dier. The first hypothesis was said to have been suggested by the Chinese authorities, which was then said by the FBI to Christopher Wray to be ‘meest waarschijnlijke’.

The WHO lists are all countries, also the VS, there is information about the origin of the covid, it will be sent.
