Fler and the Flerphone: from 2.99 euros per minute to 10,000 euros per month



On March 2, Fler let everyone who was interested know through an Instagram post that he understood how promo works: he unveiled the “Flerphone”. Since then he has been available to anyone who wants to on the number 09003-123405 for a paltry €2.99 per minute or part thereof. Both within and outside of his live streams on the Twitch platform.

Who is calling? Rooz calls.

It is not known how the offer was received. What is certain, however, is that last Wednesday (March 8) the German rap presenter called Rooz during one of his own live streams on the number. The approximately 12-minute conversation should have cost him almost 36 euros and also revolved around the concept. A short arithmetic example of the two resulted in the fact that with an hourly wage of 180 euros over 31 days with two hours of phone calls a day, more than 10,000 euros are in the idea. Mathematically absolutely correct. Realistic? Really hard to say. Fler indirectly announced that he would take stock after a month.

He also justified the decision to organize and monetize the exchange with fans in this way. On the one hand, a phone call is the surest way to establish direct contact between artists and their fans, which other social media channels cannot do, making the “Flerphone” “the ultimate tool […]as far as social media is concerned. The cost, on the other hand, keeps people from just annoying him when they want to get in touch. “If social media [insgesamt] If it were like the Flerphone, there would be no problems.” In addition, he already talks a lot with fans through his live streams and he could just as well get paid for the time invested.

Comments on the promotion range from excitement at how stupid one must be to dial the number to acknowledgment that promo can also be significantly worse done.

WAVE VOL. 1, a collective album of all artists signed to Fler’s label “Maskulin”, is expected to be released on May 5th. The intro to the record, “Expensive Scars” has been available since last Friday (March 3rd). Including an opening credits spoken by Serdar Somuncu and the reminder that Fler can also get far off the mark in terms of promotion.




