News | coaching conversations

We talked with Mirna Mariño, professional coach PCC, president of the ICF chapter of Argentina, to learn about the importance of professionalizing as a coach belonging to a federation with international endorsement.

What is the ICF?

It is the International Federation of Coaching that promotes professional coaches.

What is the role of the ICF?

The ICF has its defined mission and vision, defending coaching as a profession, which gives coaches a frame of reference. Coaches undergo examinations, must comply with a code of ethics and are periodically evaluated, which implies a commitment.

There are 56,000 ICF member cars in the world today.

What is the discipline of coaching dedicated to?

Coaching is a conversation that designs the future. It is a mediated learning process, which is why it is not within the health sciences.

We are talking about a safe, loving, caring, and confidential context where the client and the coach talk about the client’s interests and define objectives.

What is the role of a professional coach?

The Coach has conversational skills, that is, he knows how to talk, he knows how to listen and he knows how to make silences.

One of the ethical commitments of a professional coach is to distinguish whether what the client brings to a coaching conversation requires the intervention of another professional and if so, the coach must interrupt the conversation and refer the appropriate professional.

What are the benefits of being a member of the ICF?

Among others, the ICF has a list of certified coaches that is published on the ICF Argentina page, so that the client can confirm that the coach is endorsed and is going to do a professional job.

What do you mean when a coach has certain competencies?

For the ICF, a coach must meet 8 competencies (they can be seen on the ICF website)

In part, it is expected that the client knows what he is going to find in a process, how long a coaching conversation lasts, above all that he explains what coaching is and how he is going to handle it, for example, that you tell him what he is going to do questions. How long does it take, how much does it cost?

Which are the skills that the coach puts into play and how will he accompany him in this process.

It is essential to clarify that the conversations are strictly confidential.

What is a mentor and why is it recommended to have one?

Having a mentor is essential. He is a colleague with more experience, certified as a mentor, who accompanies you to work on those professional results that do not satisfy the coach and to improve his skills.

Every three years, ICF reviews the credential of each coach, and he has to accredit all the training he has been doing to continue developing professionally, because ICF establishes continuous training.

What is the basis of a conversation with a professional coach?

It is the client who chooses the topic or concern that motivated him to take coaching. The coach questions and encourages the client to reflect and learn about himself, until the client finds a difference that allows him to take action. One of the objectives is for the session to end with an action plan, for the client to declare what actions he is going to take in order to advance his concern.

What message would you like to leave readers?

Invite them to take coaching with a professional coach because coaching is the conversation of personal power that allows designing a future and a life that deserves to be lived.




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