Nitrogen dossier – Political scientist Herwig Reynaert: “Unseen scenarios within the Flemish Government”

Nitrogen dossier – Political scientist Herwig Reynaert: “Unseen scenarios within the Flemish Government”

The Flemish government cannot fall and so the three government parties will probably continue until the elections in May next year. “We have a legislature government. The Flemish government cannot fall,” says political scientist Herwig Reynaert.

“What is possible, after a constructive vote of no confidence, is that there may be another coalition partner. But that would also be unseen. I assume that the current government parties will finish the ride.”

Opposition support

Another possibility is that the opposition parties support the proposal of N-VA and Open Vld. “An alternating majority, that would also be unseen in such an important file. That would be a mockery for CD&V, which would really be left out in the cold.”

Herwig Reynaert: “That means that the entire functioning of the Flemish government has been destroyed. I do not think that N-VA and Open Vld want this scenario.”

What about CD&V?

The fact that Open VLD and N-VA have approved the draft agreement and will present it to parliament tomorrow without the agreement of government partner CD&V is exceptional, says Reynaert.

The ultimate question is also what the consequences will be for CD&V in the elections in 2024. “Suppose no agreement is reached, CD&V can say: ‘we stood our ground and the other political parties did not want to participate in our story'” , says Reynaert.

CD&V is the largest party in 55 of the 64 West Flemish municipalities.
