‘Corona ticket makes a lot possible with carnival’ | 1Limburg

The corona ticket (CTB) makes a lot possible with the upcoming carnival days, according to event organizer Rob Knubben. Other options, such as testing everyone, seem more difficult to him.

That is what Knubben tells on Thursday evening in L1mburg Central.

Access options
According to the event organizer, requesting a CTB makes it easier to let events go ahead. Knubben seems more difficult to implement other options for keeping the coronavirus under control during the party. He also mentions the 1G rule, whereby everyone is tested. “I don’t know how that is possible in the short term, they have no idea how many people have to get tested. Can they handle that?”

In addition, Knubben believes that the corona ticket stimulates people to get the booster during carnival. “Then at least a lot is possible that way.”

storm surge
CTB or not, according to the event organizer, the party will again be very popular among the population this year. “You can’t stop the real carnival celebration this year.” He also notices this from the flood of phone calls and e-mails he has been receiving since relaxations leaked out on Wednesday.

Also read: ‘Palmed with requests for carnival events’

The longer opening hours and no one and a half meters offers hope. “We in the industry have always lacked perspective. Now it looks very positive.” According to Knubben, whether the events can actually take place depends mainly on mayors. “We hope for leniency. Of course you no longer get a permit.”

In any case, many organizers hope for a passage, although the puzzle remains difficult. This is also the case for the Carnival Parade in Horst, believes Knubben. “There was already a program there. People have doubted whether it will go ahead or not, and now they have a gap between 13:30 and 17:30. That is not a gap that you fill with one or two artists.”

The event organizer indicates that a solution is being sought diligently. “We depend on what is possible.”


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