“Then build a fence around it.” This is how residents of Winsum see the future of their center

Angry entrepreneurs, a municipality with great plans and a group of residents who turn to the Council of State. The bickering about the Boogplein in the center of Winsum has been going on for years. What do retailers and shoppers think should be done?

“After a delay of 22 years, it is now ready. The quality of life is at stake,” writes Henk Sok of the business association Winsum to aldermen and council members of the municipality of Het Hogeland.

What exactly is going on? Winsum needs a new center, but opinions are rather divided about what that should look like. At the moment, the village is mainly facing parking problems, which causes congestion and poor accessibility. There are also a few buildings, streets and locations that are not used properly now. For example, the Boogplein has been lying fallow for about twenty years and the village lacks places for cultural activities.

In recent months, the association of entrepreneurs and a group of residents seem to be less and less able to go through the same door. In the letter to the city council, the business association calls on ‘to put the shovel in the ground’ and to start tackling the Boogplein. It takes them too long and the waiting costs them too much money.

But what should actually be done with the center of Winsum? This is what people think who can be found in the center on Saturdays.

‘Then you should build a fence around Winsum’

Petra Olthof (57) wants more shops to be offered in Winsum. “I would love an Action or a small Hema. But I’ve lived here for thirteen years now and that was already the case in the beginning. I have the impression that the entrepreneurs are afraid of the competition from such shops. But people are mobile. If those shops are not here, they go to Uithuizen or Bedum. Or they buy online. Then you would have to build a fence around Winsum.”

The shops that are already there should be more concentrated around the Boogplein, says Olthof. That is what the municipality wants. Only cars are now parked on the Boogplein. Opinions on the street are clear about this: it’s a shame, and the discussion is now going on far too long. The municipality wants to build apartments and create space for one or more shops. “Discus is still quite far from the center, they would like to move to the Boogplein,” says Olthof. “I think that’s a good idea, more shops in one place would be good. A few years ago they also did the same in the Hoofdstraat and it has also become more beautiful.”

‘Everything is now centered around Albert Heijn, the Boogplein is being forgotten’

Floris Geling (22), who works in organic store Odin, thinks so too. “You can see that there is now a strong focus on the area around Albert Heijn, on the other side of the center. As a result, the Boogplein is forgotten, while here there are beautiful characteristic buildings such as De Gouden Karper and the old town hall (in which Odin is located, ed.). I would like to see some small shops, a market and more atmosphere here.”

That also seems to Reinie Michels (65). “Make it fun”, is her message to the municipality and entrepreneurs. “I see struggle, after struggle, after struggle. It’s fun here when it freezes, because then they make an ice rink. But the rest of the year lacks the fun. I don’t want apartments and high buildings (that’s the plan of the municipality, ed.). I want something fun on the water and nice shops.”

‘I find it hard’

Iwikje La Poutré (28) from Yann Chocolaterie La Poutré has a refreshing perspective, namely ‘no opinion’. “I find it difficult, because I understand both sides very well. I understand the entrepreneurs who want a bigger building and are worried because it will all take so long, but I also understand the opponents. With these plans, the characteristic Winsum will change.”

“I have no problem with the plan that is now available,” says Clemens Tersteeg (55). “It is sad that we are not able to give it an appropriate interpretation. I don’t think there should be a major public attraction such as a supermarket, because there is no parking space for that. The center must become much more car-free.”

But he also says that the center is now in very good shape. “It’s buzzing here. The village has received such a nice boost after we were voted the most beautiful village.” An ugly Boogplein doesn’t change that much.
