Plan for open-air theater in Beilen: ‘Has been missing for years’

Volunteers who build their own open-air theatre. If it is up to the Onder Dak association, this will happen in Beilen.

The plan is to build the theater at Dierenweide Stroomdal. “At the moment there is no open-air theater in Beilen and that has been missed for years,” says Peter Vereijken, chairman of the Onder Dak association. “There is a need for a place for small-scale events that can be used by many different parties. Think of choirs and schools. Small concerts can be given and a film house can show films in good weather.”

According to Vereijken, the plan for a small-scale theater with 150 permanent seats and reserved space for wheelchairs and walkers was given serious shape three months ago. “Then there was contact with the alderman, who responded enthusiastically. We have had discussions and made follow-up appointments, so that looks positive. We would like to bring culture back to the center of Beilen.”

Next week there will be a first committee meeting on the design of the Stroomdal area. “We will also speak there,” says Vereijken. “Then we can broaden the subject a bit. Because there are more plans for the environment around the animal pasture. To bring all those initiatives together, we have also created the Onder Dak association.”

The volunteers of Dierenweide Stroomdal are already in the starting blocks for the construction of the theater, says Vereijken. “It also fits perfectly within the budget. We will need a subsidy, but the costs will remain within limits.” In addition, the association wants to use materials that become available during the demolition of the nearby GA de Ridderschool. “Think especially of tiles and soil.”

The theater should have a horseshoe shape and consist of three layers. “We will continue to design this together with future users,” says Vereijken. “It really has to become a trusted place for activities in the neighborhood.”
