US braces for American trucker caravan | Abroad

As in Canada, cities and major transportation routes could be disrupted. Social media is full of plans by American truckers who say they show solidarity with their Canadian colleagues, who feel forced by the government to get a corona vaccine. Other professional groups are also involved.

To the Canadian government’s frustration, trucks have been blocking important border crossings into the US for days, affecting supplies especially to the auto industry. A third blockade was launched on Thursday in the central province of Manitoba. In addition, truckers have been causing nuisance in the capital Ottawa for a week or two, where the police say they will take more action.

According to the US warning, there are currently no indications of outbreaks of violence. But there is a risk that aid workers, transport, government and commercial services will be seriously disrupted, also because counter-protests may follow.

The Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ is also being imitated in Europe. In France, trucks are headed to Paris for a protest, which authorities have banned in the capital. Belgium and Austria have also announced a ban for the self-proclaimed freedom fighters on wheels.


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