what you need to know -io Donna

con the entry in menopause, can increase the risk of developing some tumors. The most frequent are those of the breast, of theendometriumof the colorectal and ofovary. However, it is good to remember that age is one of the main risk factors for developing any type of cancer. In fact, it’s starting from the age of 50 the incidence of tumors increases noticeably and menopause, an additional factor, usually occurs right around that age. As you remember the Sigo, Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics in his document Menopause and Risk oncological, every year thousands of women are treated for cancer and most of these are menopausal.

An individualized approach is needed

Many different factors contribute to the onset of cancer. It is therefore important to promptly highlight emerging risks and propose the most appropriate clinical strategies for each woman in a personalized way. Starting precisely, as recommended by the Aogoi Association of Italian hospital obstetricians and gynecologists, from the family and personal oncological anamnesis and defining, for each woman, a precise risk profile not only oncological but also cardiovascular and fractures, giving way to a path preventive, diagnostic and personalized treatment that will last an average of three decades.

Lifestyles are important

Lowering the risk of developing cancer is possible by acting on lifestyles, following the same recommendations valid for all ages: abolishing smoking and alcohol consumption, keeping weight under control, give up a sedentary lifestyle and lead an active life, follow a diet rich in vegetables And low in meats and sugars.

Pay attention to the weight

Research shows that the increase of weight after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer is that losing weight after menopause can reduce your risk. Obesity is also the leading risk factor for endometrial cancer, the third most frequent neoplasm in the over 65s and constantly increasing due to the spread of incorrect lifestyles. In fact, there is a linear correlation between the body mass index (BMI) and the risk of developing this tumor which is 4% in the general population and reaches 50% in those with a BMI>45.

A sharp decline in BMI is associated with one reducing the risk of developing this cancer and also of recurrence. A high BMI is associated, albeit to a lesser extent, with the risk of ovarian cancer. The effect of adipose tissue on cancer risk is mediated by the role of hormones, in particular estrogens.

Other risk factors

Prolonged exposure to estrogen is also responsible for the increased risk of endometrial and breast cancer in late menopause, as evidenced by theAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology. Others risk factors I am the early menarche and theabsence of pregnancies. In addition, women with breast cancer treated with tamoxifen they are more at risk of endometrial cancer and, therefore, need periodic checks. Then there is a genetic risk: for the endometrium and colorectal, the so-called Lynch syndrome is characterized by a hereditary mutation that increases the risk and for which prophylactic surgery is recommended, always turning to specialized centers such as theNational Cancer Institute of Milan which has a dedicated clinic.

Early stage breast cancer: new techniques

In the case of breast and ovarian and other cancers, the mutation of BRCA 1 and 2 genes significantly increases the risk and, even in this case, the prophylactic removal of the tubes and ovaries is recommended. For these women, the administration of hormone replacement therapy is indicated, according to the latest guidelines, guaranteeing an excellent quality of life without the disadvantage of an early menopause.

Don’t be afraid of HRT

Hormonal treatments to prevent menopausal symptoms are associated with a slightly increased risk of breast cancer, which depends on many factors such as the dose, timing and route of administration, as well as on estrogen alone or even of the progestogen.

If taken under medical supervision and in the right time window, then at the beginning of menopause and for no more than 5/7 yearsTOS is a valid measure of prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases and guarantees one good sexual health it’s a better quality of life.

