“In the Transition we had more freedoms”

03/02/2023 at 11:55 a.m.


The singer talked about his relationship with drugs and his controversial opinion about the covid

the anthill‘ he received this Wednesday on his set Miguel Bose. Top news for the launch of his biopic on SkyShowtime and for his role as a jury in the talent show ‘Cover Night’, the singer went to the Pablo Motos program to talk about some of the most delicate episodes of his life and the controversies that it has starred in recent times.

During the interview, Miguel Bosé discussed his relationship with drugs, a stage that is reflected in the series and that he defines as “a journey to a dark part“. “I was very holy. He did not drink, he did not smoke, he was all discipline “, he began by explaining before delving into this matter:” There came a time when, for a heartbreak, I called some friends of mine to go out for the night. There I had the first drink of my life and I got the first line of my life.”

“I was in amazing places, I did unthinkable things. Things that could not be written because they are too strong,” Bosé continued recounting: “Everyone admired me for the artist that I was, They made everything easy for me and offered me everything. Everything was easy “. Some addictions that, according to what he assured in the Antena 3 space, he was able to put an end to 12 years ago:” I neither drink, nor smoke, nor anything “.

The “controversy” of covid, as Pablo Motos defined his guest’s denial of the pandemic, was also present at the interview: “How has being against the official version affected you on a personal and professional level?” “Here we have to talk about freedoms“, replied Bosé, who continues to maintain the point of view he expressed during the pandemic: “Nothing happens, you get vaccinated and I don’t get vaccinated (…) there is room for everyone.”

“I issued my opinion because I had a lot of information,” he commented, later stating that “the constitutional right that protects us to express ourselves and think freely had disappeared.” “Like many others have disappeared today,” the interpreter even said: “I don’t know if you agree, but in the Transition we had many more freedoms of the ones we have now.” “Without a doubt,” supported Pablo Motos.

“As this government did not like me to go against what they intended to launch, and I knew what was going to happen and why it was going to happen, with a tweet I turned against the PSOE, the PP, Vox , Podemos and his fucking mother,” Bosé added to the laughter of the audience. Furthermore, he commented that in Mexico “we have not even found out what has happened”despite the high number of deaths in the country.

Bosé tells how he lost his voice

Another topic that was on the table was the loss of voice he suffered eight years agoan ailment that he wanted to explain on Antena 3. “In 1999 I had a terrible car accident, I crushed two vertebrae (…) 23 years later, one night I went to sleep and in the morning I couldn’t get up from the pain I had. I thought it was sciatica, but I spent two weeks in bed and I already thought it was not normal, “she began narrating.

Bosé went to the hospital and had to undergo a “very long” operation. But also, the doctor saw “something” in a tomography that he had to consult with a specialist: “At that moment I thought the worst.” Later they told him that the chronic sinusitis that he had been diagnosed with was not the cause of his loss of voice, but rather a tooth: “There was debris entering there and over time it became an infection.” “These gentlemen removed my tooth and the next day my voice had returned,” he explained in ‘El hormiguero’.
