Tom Egbers does not arouse suspicion in a woman: “He is not a bully”

NOS star Tom Egbers does not arouse suspicion with his wife Janke Dekker now that an investigation is being conducted into possible misconduct at his broadcaster. “He’s naughty, but not a bully.”


Many stars of the NOS are suddenly suspicious now that DWDD-like situations are being investigated at the sports department. A salient detail is that the wife of one of the biggest stars, Tom Egbers, is the chairman of the Mores Foundation. Any victims of Tom’s broadcaster must report there.

Tom not a bully

Although Johan Derksen believes that the lady in question, Janke Dekker, should step down as Mores chairman, she refuses to do so. She does promise to go on non-active if complaints about Tom come in. However, that is not the expectation, she says this week in the Story.

According to Janke, Tom is not one to misbehave at all. She says she is not afraid that something will come out about it. “Well no. I know he’s a naughty boy, that’s why he’s so cute and I love him so much. He is curious, likes to try new things. But he’s not a bully.”


According to Janke, we shouldn’t exaggerate either. According to her, very little is still clear. “I understand that this is not an investigation, but an inventory.”

And any complaints about Tom will not go past her first, Janke emphasizes. “I have nothing to do with that investigation. I never hear what is being reported myself. My job with the other members of the board is to make sure enough money comes in to hire experts to conduct those conversations.”
