The second foundation of Europe

A mayoral candidate has said that there is a feeling of disgust in the city. True, but Barcelona surpasses almost everything. This Monday the Mobile has been inaugurated which is already a fixed annual reality. and last week in the annual awards of EL PERIÓDICO, the Puig group was distinguished, a Catalan family business (since 1914) and today also one of the leading perfumery and fashion groups in the world, with renowned brands, with a turnover of more than 250 million euros and 4,500 employees. And Puig has successfully completed the change of generation for many years with the replacement of Mariano Puig – active until very recently – by his son Marc Puig. And succession is the backbone of the family business.

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Last week it was known that the La Caixa Foundation will increase its budget by 4.5%, up to 538 million, the highest in its history. Of the total, 360 million, 60%, goes to social activities of low visibility such as the fight against child poverty, job creation for groups with difficulties and care for people with advanced illnesses. 21% is dedicated to cultural activities through its nine CaixaForums and CosmoCaixa. The rest goes to research and health (11 and education and scholarships (8%).

What is relevant is that these programs have guaranteed sustainability because they are financed by dividends from the shares that Criteria Caixa (owned by the foundation) has in companies such as CaixaBank (30%), Naturgy (26%)… The patrimony, guarantor of continuity, amounts to 21,000 million euros and the foundation is like this the sixth in the world by volume of assets. The ranking is headed by the American Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (46,500 million) and the one chaired by Isidre Faine is the second European foundation and the only one among the top 15 that does not belong to the Anglo-Saxon world. A sign of identity of Barcelona, ​​where the central services are located (the headquarters has been Palma de Mallorca since 2017) and where 300 of its 415 employees work.
