Police paper warned of criminal Remmo clan

By Axel Lier

Hardly any other extended Arab family keeps the police in suspense as much as the Remmo clan. Now it’s out: As early as 2012, the LKA warned in an analysis of the crime that emanates from the clan – but the paper remained under lock and key.

On 43 pages, the investigators wrote down what they know about the Remmo clan (various spellings): CVs, crimes, forecasts. The title: “Statistical survey of Arab offender groups” on the “Rammo family sub-group”. But after research by the broadcaster RBB, the paper remained under lock and key. The information was not shared with the public prosecutor’s office, youth welfare offices, schools or the citizen registration offices. Analyzing other clans in this way was therefore dismissed as too time-consuming.

The content is explosive: the secret analysis found that between 2009 and 2011 around 60 percent of the “family members registered in Berlin” were already listed as suspects in various criminal proceedings. According to this, the number of suspects (TVBZ) is 103 people, ten times higher than for suspects of other ethnic groups and groups.

Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the police union (GdP): “We know the report and it’s not the only one that warns of these criminal careers. Our colleagues do their job and that includes risk assessments, forecasts and ideas for specific measures. The fact that these are not taken due to misunderstood tolerance, political short-sightedness and a lack of human resources is not the fault of the police.”

Falko Liecke (49), deputy state chairman of the CDU:

Falko Liecke (CDU) Photo: Christian Lohse

According to RBB, the ten-year-old paper reads like “the announcement of the further criminal radicalization of this family” – also with a view to individual teenagers who later acted as drug dealers, robbers, thieves of the gold coin from the Bode Museum or as suspected burglars in Dresden’s green area vaults were known.

Neukölln’s social councilor Falko Liecke (50, CDU) has known the clan for decades. He says: “If we had received this information from the LKA at the time, we could have intervened much earlier in the family.” It was only years later that he commissioned a situation report from the youth welfare office to be able to assess “how bad it really is”. . The result: “It’s the family with the most crimes, with the most juvenile delinquents in Neukölln – far ahead of everyone else,” said Liecke.

A large part of the valuable treasure trove of jewels is back

A large part of the valuable treasure trove of jewels is back Photo: Jürgen Karpinski/Green Vault/Police Directorate Dresden/dpa

Neukölln is considered the stronghold of this clan. One of the most important nuclear families lives there. In April 2020, the mother (16 children) of the clan spokesman Issa Remmo (15 siblings, 12 children) was buried, she alone had up to 100 descendants. LKA officials have created a family tree that dates back to 1873. Above all, the third generation of the family is in the focus of the security authorities.

GdP spokesman Jendro: “Nobody can seriously believe that the Rammos first appear criminally relevant when they attack money transporters, run over our colleagues or clear the Green Vault. We’re talking about numerous crimes that run through their CVs because the rule of law failed to show them boundaries and that’s exactly what they’ve learned.”
