Milano Marathon 2023: how to participate

Qhat is the magic of the marathon, the former blue Lucilla Andreucci expresses it with decisive brushstrokes: «The marathon possesses the charm of unpredictability” it starts. «Gives the feeling of accomplishing a feat, asking you to put all your best passion into the most complex thing there is: running as fast as possible for 42 kilometers. It is the longest race we can do, the Forrest Gump of our life. It allows us athletes to travel the world, New York, Boston, London, Madrid, Berlin… Otherwise, those who fall in love with it often make the big mistake of thinking they can run it right away. And, instead, it must be built gradually, because the marathon, like the most beautiful love stories, takes its time”.

“Perritos en fuga”, the first marathon with dogs in Mexico City

Milan Marathon 2023: on April 2nd

For her – who was five times Italian champion on the track and on the road and competed in 13 marathons, of which 5 won – the marathon is a belonging. «I think I was born there, with the marathon. And to think that women had to fight to be considered worthy of running it».

In Milan – year 2000 – Lucilla Andreucci ran and won under a fearful rain. It was the first time that Milan offered her roads to the longest race and on that occasion she set her personal best: 2 hours 29 minutes 43 seconds. Today the first woman who won the Milan marathon is alongside the 2023 edition, which will be held on April 2nd: «The Milan marathon is the fastest: the route is flowing, there are no uphill sections and we cut the corners as much as possible».

The Milan Marathon is back, where running joins solidarity

Ready Set Go…

The departure is in Corso Venezia, in the heart of the city, from which a ring extends which, 42 kilometers and 195 meters long, skirts the symbols: the Duomo, La Scala, the Castello Sforzesco, and then City Life, Monte Stella … Yeman Crippa, gold medal at the 2022 European Championships in the 10,000 meters, is Ambassador of this great event that will bring champions and top runners from all over Italy and the world to Milan, as well as many amateurs.

The idea and the organization are from Rcs Sports & Events-Rcs Active Team, with whom Andreucci has been collaborating for some time.

Sporty and very busy

Last year there were 13,000 running through Milan, between marathon and relay. Martina Riva, Councilor for Sport, Tourism and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Milan says: «After 21 editions, we can consider this an event not to be missed. Merit of the course, of course, but also of the commitment in terms of environmental sustainability and above all of solidarity, which has always accompanied our marathon”. Yes, solidarity in Milan teams up with sport to aim straight at winning.

The Milan Marathon, walk and donate

The Milan Marathon is, in fact, the largest running-related fundraising event in Italy and is second in Europe only to that of the London Marathon: in ten years it has raised 4 million euros. Half an hour after the professional race, in fact, the Lenovo Relay Marathon, a non-competitive relay marathon which is run in teams of four.

The rule is that those who participate must take part in the fundraising on the Gift Network for one of the nearly 100 non-profit organizations in the Milan Marathon Charity Program, associated with the relay. In practice, you sign up for the marathon-relay through one of the non-profit organizations by paying the fee established by each, which is not just a registration, but becomes a donation. The message is: find three friends, come run your slice of the marathon and donate your effort for those who are fragile, those who are sick, those who can’t make it.


“It’s as if each participant adopts a story and pushes it,” adds Lucilla Andreucci. And then: «Sport teaches that when you do something for others you have more strength». Among the non-profit organizations to support is Sport without Borders, a partner for 8 editions, which aims to build social inclusion, PlayMore! (4 editions) with the first running club that brings together athletes with disabilities intellectual and relational e amateur sportsmen and #RunForEmma (4 editions), which supports disabled people and projects dedicated to children affected by Sma-spinal muscular atrophy.

Come back this year too Dynamo Camp, which develops recreational therapy dedicated to children and adolescents with serious or chronic pathologies. To raise awareness of cancer research and fight, here’s too AIRC and LILT-Milan and Monza Brianzaas well as will not miss Telethon Foundation.

There are also the CAF association, the TOG Foundation, Support Support, AMO-Friends of Marco, Gulliver, Oklahoma community, A hand for…

Many VIPs in the race

There are many well-known personalities who have booked a fraction of the marathon-relay. There TV presenter Juliana Moreirawho is training to run the London marathon on April 23, will also be in Milan, where she and her team (friends Renato, Jay, Lino) bought the bib in favor of the Magica Cleme Onlus Foundation.

«I’ve been running it for ten years: from the moment I learned the story of Clementina, the little girl who when she left she left it to her parents to keep sick children entertained like her, I have never stopped running in her name. Before this meeting, I didn’t even know what running was, I just went to the gym. Today I invite everyone to read how wonderful the many non-profit organizations do for which you can participate. And to try to walk a piece. As for me, I’m waiting to experience the emotion of meeting the sick children who will come out of the hospitals on purpose to wait for us at the finish line”. The husband, Edward Stoppawill instead race with his team for the LILT.

The Milano Marathon also for the little ones

Saturday 1st April from 9 amin fact, it will run there Very light School Marathonnon-competitive race for elementary and middle school students: they will be 3 kilometers to travel together with families and accompanying persons and City Life the area of ​​the event.

In the afternoon, still in City Life, he leaves there Dog Run Arcaplanet, 3 km to experience as a run or walk with your pets.

For each marathon a village is set up on the two previous days: in the case of the competitive marathon the Marathon village turns into the Milan Running Festivalan exhibition hub with entertainment, workshops and presentations where running and fitness traders meet practitioners.

