Five young people from Midden-Drenthe received a youth ribbon for volunteering

Five young people from the municipality of Midden-Drenthe received a youth ribbon last night because of their commitment to society. Acting mayor Cees Bijl presented the award in the Chill-In youth center in Beilen.

The lucky ones were Jessica Beeris (14) and Mark Duinkerken (15) from Beilen, Tygo Radix (16) from Bovensmilde, Sophie Lopers (10) from Smilde and Marijke Pit (23) from Hoogersmilde.

Mayor Bijl reports that he has ‘great admiration’ for the young people. “The time they invest in volunteer work and the enthusiasm with which they do it is certainly worth a youth ribbon. They are an example for others.”

The Beilense Jessica Beeris received the youth ribbon because of her many volunteer work at the animal pasture in Beilen. Her fellow townsman Mark Duinkerken is active at vv Beilen, where he is a youth trainer on a voluntary basis and helps with other activities at the club. “In addition, he volunteers at the FC Groningen football days. Mark lives for football, because in addition to the activities mentioned, he can also be found at football school FSD in Beilen,” the municipality writes.

Sophie Lopers received a youth ribbon for her efforts against litter and cleaning it up. She does this in the vicinity of her school together with classmates. Marijke Pit is also active in this area and, according to the municipality in and around Smilde, has ‘a clear pioneering role’. Tygo Radix was awarded for his work in the youth center in Bovensmilde, where he was a DJ during the children’s disco.

The young people were visibly surprised when they were put in the spotlight, the municipality writes. In addition to the youth ribbon, they received a gift certificate and a certificate.
