Serie B. Frosinone, first internal knockout: Parma wins 4-3. Pisa-Perugia 2-1

After winning the first leg, the Parma players are still playing against the leaders who remain at +12 on Genoa second waiting for tomorrow’s matches, Parma overtakes Cagliari (tomorrow engaged in Venice) but not Pisa which rises to 6th place over the crusaders

Surprises, interventions by the VAR, expulsions, comebacks and counter-comebacks: it’s the usual, unpredictable, crazy Serie B. In the double advance on Friday evening, Parma beats the Stirpe of Frosinone (3-4) and Pisa overturns Perugia (2 -1). Two somewhat unexpected results that reopen the direct promotion discourse and change positions with a view to the playoffs. Frosinone remains at +12 on Genoa 2nd waiting for tomorrow’s matches, Parma overtakes Cagliari (tomorrow engaged in Venice) but not Pisa, which thanks to the comeback against Perugia rises to 6th place right above the crusaders. Perugia at an altitude of 29, just +1 over Como in the play-out area.

Frosinone-Parma 3-4

Immediate departure launched, the game is controlled by the guests who unlock after just 6′: perfect cross by Ansaldi, strong header by Vazquez and 0-1. Frosinone tries to shake up, in the 18th minute Boloca doesn’t hit the target and 3′ later Parma doubles, again with a furious Ansaldi. Action photocopy of the first goal, Ansaldi puts in the middle but nobody touches and the ball is bagged behind Turati. The double advantage didn’t last long, however, because in the 25th minute it was the usual Caso who reopened the accounts: a cross from Sampirisi, Parma’s defense released badly and allowed Caso to control and find his 5th center in the league. The pace of the match increases further, and Parma still scores the goal: Bernabé’s hole for Man, the Rumanian is knocked down but still manages to serve Zanimacchia who only makes no mistake in front of Turati and finds the 1-3. The second half opens exactly as the first half ended: everything open. And Frosinone takes just 3′ to actually reopen the game. 48′, Mazzitelli steals the ball and launches Insigne only against Buffon, the goalkeeper rejects but Mulattieri is relentless on the rebuttal. 2-3. Shortly after, here is the episode that could be worth the match: Estevez enters Caso badly, initially a yellow card is drawn which after the review on the monitor turns red, Parma in 10. Frosinone raises the pace, first almost equalizing with Baez and then he finds it with the newcomer Moro: another cross from Sampirisi, Moro arrives on the fly and passes Buffon. Addressed tender? Not at all. Parma needs 2′ to get back on track: Vazquez controls, remotely controls his right foot and finds the 3-4. Frosinone threw themselves forward to avoid a defeat that had never happened to Stirpe and from the 87th minute Parma remained in nine. Camara enters with high leg on Lucioni’s face, Maggioni has no doubts and draws the red light directly. Frosinone throws themselves back to front-wheel drive in the hunt for a 4-4, but despite 6′ of added time Parma hold on, who conquer a very important victory and relaunch their promotion ambitions.

Pisa-Perugia 2-1

The hosts got off to a good start, who commanded the game and after just 8′ they found the ball to make it 1-0: Luperini’s mistake, a comfortable 3 against 3 led by Morutan who widened well for Gliozzi, Pisa’s 9 got everything wrong and gives Gori an easy recovery. Pisa doesn’t lose his composure, and just 2′ later unlocks: this time Gliozzi puts in well for Morutan in tow who converts and signs the 1-0. The VAR, however, recognizes an initial offside position by Gliozzi and cancels. The key episode comes shortly after the half hour mark: Hermannsson belts Di Carmine on the edge of the area, Santoro has no doubts and pulls out an immediate red that leaves many in doubt. Perugia exploits the numerical superiority and passes in the 39th minute: header by Kouan, hands by Esteves and penalty. Implacable Casasola, who displaces Nicolas and carries forward his i. In the second half Pisa equalized immediately, precisely with Morutan: diagonal and ball in the corner, 1-1. It’s a draw that doesn’t last long, because in the 58th minute Pisa completes the comeback. Marin coordinates and kicks on the fly, ball at the crossroads and deserved 2-1. The tension rises and in the 76th minute Perugia also remains in ten: Paez elbows against Calabresi and direct red for him too. The guests try to avoid defeat, a whirlwind of substitutions brings the match back to life but Pisa resists Perugia’s offensive and collects three very important points which, at the end of the first half one goal and one man down, could have seemed like a mirage.
