Polish girl is not Madeleine McCann: “It was always her big dream to become famous” | Instagram VTM NEWS

The story of Julia Wendell, the Polish young lady who claimed to be Madeleine McCann out of the blue on social media, is not correct. This is confirmed by the police. The family of the 21-year-old girl is now quite bored with the situation. “Contrary to what she claims, we have never failed her.” What possessed her to spread such a wild theory? “It was always her big dream to be famous.”


24-02-23, 17:42

Latest update:
24-02-23, 17:51

New York Post/I24news.tv

The investigation is not yet complete, the Polish police say. “But we can already rule out the possibility that this is about Maddie,” it sounds.

Wendell herself, however, was so convinced that she was right that she wanted to undergo a DNA test. The own investigation she had started left only doubt, she said on the recently started Instagram profile ‘@iammadeleinemccan’.

The reason was, among other things, a conversation with her grandmother, as a result of which the woman now doubts her identity. She asked her parents for a birth certificate, baby photos, a DNA test,… but she said she didn’t get it. “I want to know the truth,” it sounded in a video on Instagram.

Dot in eye

The young woman also claimed to have a freckle on her leg and a speck in her eye, just like Madeleine. She tried to demonstrate all these similarities with photos and videos on social media.

LOOK. In this video, Julia Wendel shared why she thinks she is McCann

Wendell concluded that she doesn’t remember much of her childhood because she was “abused by a German pedophile”. “Since then I have suffered from post-traumatic amnesia. I went to therapy for this, but my mother stopped it because I started asking questions about Madeleine McCann.”

Mental problems

Her family has now denied that accusation. “Julia is struggling with mental problems, but we have always tried to help her get back on her feet,” the statement read. “Since she has grown up, however, she has left the parental home. She refuses any treatment and does not take her medication properly. An institution with an excellent reputation wanted to take her in, but she didn’t want to.”

“For the attention”

“It is clear to us as a family that Julia is not Maddie,” it reads. “She is our daughter, granddaughter, sister and niece. We have memories and pictures to prove it. herself when she left.”

The family thinks they know why Wendell chose to come to the limelight with her story. “Probably it was her to do the attention. She used to want to be a singer or model. It was her big dream to become famous. And ironically enough, it has now succeeded, with 1.1 million followers on Instagram.”

Prime suspect

Madeleine McCann disappeared on May 3, 2007 while on vacation with her parents in Portugal. At the time, the British toddler was sleeping with her siblings in a holiday apartment, while her parents were in a restaurant nearby. The case has been receiving international attention for years. The girl was never found, and there is still no certainty about the perpetrator.

There is a prime suspect. It concerns the German Christan Brückner, a man known for rape and child abuse. A telephone investigation showed that at the time of the disappearance he was near the apartment where the McCann family stayed during their holiday in Praia da Luz.
