Catanzaro, the fan priest Don Lino: “I bless the team and dream of B”

Vivarini’s team is dominating Serie C, and one of his secrets is don Lino, much more than a fan priest: “I’m close to the boys, I assist them, I gave them a special lucky charm. And once with Giorgio Corona.. .”

The bells ring every Sunday at 9. Outside the Church of the Observance there is a coming and going of people, mass is about to begin. Don Lino welcomes the faithful, seated among the first pews is Floriano Noto, the president of Catanzaro. Once the ritual is over, “Forza giallorossi” is heard from the altar. In the city, religious faith and football live almost in symbiosis. Outside the parish there is only talk of football: “What a cinema this team”.
