Robbie grabs Nadja’s hands and finds them so soft

From Hildburg Bruns

Girls night out with Robbie. So there are very few beer balancers and pee-jumpers coming into view. Bum-Bum-Bum, heartbeat countdown to the first of two Berlin concerts.

RW appears shortly after 9 p.m. in a glitter muscle shirt. “He carries Elton John’s stuff,” texts an acquaintance from the lower tier in the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

The Brit loves it hearty: “My name is Robbie fucking Williams. This is my band, this is me, this may ass.” Speaking of which, his butt sticks out in a Take That video that was filmed eight months after his former boy group formed but had never been shown before.

Let me entertain you! With Robbie’s time travel. His provoked expulsion from the band, his depths, his happiness: “I never wanted to get married, I never wanted children. I am 17 years happy with my wife and have four children. You make me realize why I am on this planet.” love my life The sound of the eleven-piece band – terrific, six dancers buzz lasciviously around Robbie.

Robbie Williams at a concert in Berlin's Mercedes-Benz Arena

Robbie Williams has the fans under control Photo: Hildburg Bruns

“I drank my last drink 23 years ago” – there’s applause for that. Silence as he talks about depression, claustrophobia and voices in his head (“you are shit”). Spice girl Geri has rebuilt it, he dedicates it to her after a holiday together eternity. These are the most beautiful pictures of the evening when strings and double bass are his video backdrop. He never thought of suicide, but he saw it around the next corner.

Robbie throws T-shirt boxes into the audience, picks out a Nadja in a red Coco-Cola T-shirt and dedicates She’s the One to her. Her hands are so soft, she certainly wouldn’t work outside, he says. Robbie loves his audience. And sings a solo with best of at the end after 20 songs. Beguiling!
