Maculopathy: initial symptoms, causes, how to cure and therapies

The disease, often age-related, causes serious vision problems

Roberto De Filippis

February 20th

There maculopathy it is a rather common disease, especially after a certain age, so much so that it represents the first cause of legal blindness in the over 70 population in industrialized countries. Furthermore, together with the cataract, it constitutes the most frequent condition that leads to a reduction in vision. Recognizing the initial symptoms is essential to anticipate the timing of the diagnosis and, consequently, increase the effectiveness of the treatments.


It is a precise part of the eye that is affected by maculopathy. “It is precisely the macula, which represents the central portion of the retinawhich presides over the central vision. In fact, it is thanks to it that it is possible not only to observe all the details of the faces and objects in front of us, but also to read and write” explains the Doctor Gianluigi Bolognesi, ophthalmologist ophthalmologist of the Ophthalmology Operative Unit of the City of Pavia Institute of Care. There are different kinds of macuolopathy: the most common is that seniledirectly related to age progression. However, they are less common:

  • maculopathy myopicwhich mainly affects people with considerable myopia, even when young;
  • maculopathy diabeticwhich affects people with high blood sugar levels, which favor the accumulation of liquids in the central portion of the retina, worsening vision;
  • maculopathy toxicconnected to the use of drugs such as chloroquine (no longer in use) and hydroxychloroquine, indicated for rheumatological diseases;
  • maculopathy hereditaryin which the genetic component plays a fundamental role.


In turn, it is customary to distinguish two forms of senile maculopathy: that atrophic is that exudative. The first is due to degenerative factors that cause, over time, the “consumption” of the macula. “The second, more disabling, occurs following the onset of new blood vessels from the choroid, the vascularized layer of the eye located just below the retina. These new vessels pierce the pigmented epithelium, i.e. the barrier that separates the choroid from the retina, compromising vision” continues Dr. Bolognesi. Both forms of senile maculopathy tend to occur in both eyesalbeit at different times. In addition to aging and familiarity, this disease is favored the smoke, hypertension, dyslipidemia and sun exposure without the protection of dark glasses. The first symptom of maculopathy is the metamorphopsia, a problem that consists in seeing crooked lines that are actually straight; later, difficulties in reading, writing and recognizing people and objects also appear.


The first test for the diagnosis of maculopathy consists in Amsler test, which highlights any metamorphopsies. An evaluation of the fundus associated with an OCT (optical coherence tomography) or, better, a angio-OCT (optical coherent light angiography). The first exam allows you to see only the anatomy of the retina, the second also any blood vessels which, favored by substances such as vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf), have passed the pigmented epithelium. Finally, it is always helpful to undergo one retinal fluorescein angiography to assess the extent of damage to the macula. Regardless of the form, in the case of early maculopathy it is useful to treat yourself with supplements rich in antioxidants such as copper, zinc, Omega 3, lutein and zeaxanthin.

“For the exudative form i anti-veg drugs, which help to heal the new blood vessels causing the problem: they are injected directly into the eye once a month or once every two months. This therapy does not allow you to see perfectly again, but blocks the progression of the disease” explains Dr. Bolognesi. To treat the atrophic form, whose evolution is much slower, a laser is being tested. In addition to protecting the eyes from the sun’s rays, maculopathy is also prevented at the table, by eating often fruits and vegetables. In particular, foods rich in antioxidants such as broccoli, broccoli and cauliflower should be consumed in abundance.
