At least 45,000 dead in earthquake zones Turkey and Syria, 82,000 buildings collapsed or seriously damaged | Abroad

Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu also said 82,000 buildings have collapsed or sustained serious damage when announcing the new figures. Due to the magnitude of the destruction, earthquake victims are also being sheltered in other parts of Turkey.

There is still a search for victims, but the chance that they are found alive is very small. People have been rescued in recent days. For example, a 45-year-old man was pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building 278 hours after the first earthquake in the Turkish province of Hatay on Friday. It is not clear how many people are missing.

Less is known about the situation in the Syrian earthquake zone than about neighboring Turkey. In Syria, where a civil war has been raging since 2011, earthquake damage has occurred in areas under government control, as well as areas controlled by various rebel groups. International aid to Syria is slowing down.

LOOK. Girl rescued 248 hours after earthquake
