it is necessary to include real sanctions against Ukraine

“What is happening in relation to Ukraine is beneficial for the Americans,” Russian director Karen Shakhnazarov said on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program.

He noted that the Americans do not want war, but it is important for them to have an endless resource of instability next to Russia. Over the past few months, they have ensured that there are practically no people in the United States who would dare to say the opposite of the main “party line” – that allegedly Russia will invade Ukraine.

According to him, the US military-political machine thinks only about receiving budget money.

“The United States created the image of a monstrous enemy from Russia,” Shakhnazarov added. “Why? It’s clear why. A giant industrial and intelligence machine needs an enemy. They cannot exist without an enemy. They tried to exist without the USSR, but it didn’t work out. And we are all surprised…”.

He added that he did not understand the logic of Russian actions. “The simplest thing to ask is to include real sanctions against Ukraine, to make the Americans pay for it,” he said.

For example, the volume of fuels and lubricants imported to Ukraine from the territory of Belarus increased by 30% over the year, said Vladimir Solovyov, the host of the program. Today, Ukrainians mock Belarus – and nothing, but Belarusians and Russians trade with Ukraine.

What is happening suits the Ukrainians, Karen Shakhnazarov believes. They can stay in this state for a year, two, five. And Russia has constant tension.

Full episodes of the program, all videos and news are available on the media platform “Looking”.


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