what is “Skinxiety” and how to treat it – iO Donna

Lto Skinxiety it is nothing but the anxiety to have perfect skin: a condition resulting from the lockdown and which is still a very important issue today. The attention is therefore directed to the skin care but in an almost obsessive way, to regenerate the skin and eliminate all types of imperfections. But how much does it impact on our psyche? Christine DellaBeffa, Brand Manager of Korff, he talks about it in this interview.

Perfect skin: what is “Skinxiety”

«Definition born from the sum of the words “skin” and “anxiety”, the Skinxiety – or thelonging for perfect skin – is the new aesthetic obsession due to the various elements that have characterized the pandemic» he begins to explain Christine DellaBeffa, Brand Manager by Korff.

«From the prolonged use of masks, to the very high levels of daily stress, passing through the habit of meeting on Zoom (where any defect immediately catches the eye), more and more people feel frustrated and inadequate because of their skin appearance» .

Even celebrities are obsessed with skincare (Credits: Instagram @emrata @januaryjones @brookeshields)

Skin care: how obsession impacts the way you live

«Also staying too long on social media has led us to collide every day with unreal beauty models. In this way it becomes extremely easy to raise the bar of judgment and end up feeling not enough. Also thanks to video calls – which have become a daily means of communicating -, small defects seem increasingly giant».

«Being ashamed of one’s skin appearance can become an unbearable burden that has a radical impact on the way of life.

So it becomes essential act immediately starting from a correct one skincare routines and putting a definitive stop to obsessive thinking about one’s facemaking an effort to radically change perspective» explains the expert.

Acne and pimples still generate anxiety and frustration

«Acne and more generally the skin imperfections they can definitely unleash severe psychological impacts and cause many problems – including depression – which, if underestimated, can lead to loneliness and isolation».

Beware of whitening: the pursuit of clear and perfect skin

“People with a acne-prone skin they often feel very distressed about the condition of their skin, to the point of lose self-confidence and personal self-esteem. Never before have we been forced to look at ourselves (and at others) so carefully.

For this reason, many of us have developed a real one compulsive obsession with looking perfect, with the constant feeling that there is always something wrong with them.

Skin and changes: how to accept them serenely

«You have to take into account that the skin changes constantly throughout life and it must be treated adequately at every stage, without being obsessed with it.

That’s just fine work to improve your skin appearancebut the desire to be in order must not become a mania, or we will feel eternally inadequate» Cristina Della Beffa is keen to specify.

Anti-anxiety skincare: beauty products and rituals

“For help the skin to regain its natural balance and downsize what we call Skinxiety, it’s good to start from a correct one skincare routineseven better if rich in moisturizing ingredients and comfortable textures».

“Is exfoliating solutions and serums that promote natural skin renewal effectively reducing wrinkles; while for the eye contour – often very marked by fatigue – products that attenuate are recommended bags and dark circles thanks to an effective anti-swelling and anti-fatigue action.

Last but not least, once a week treat yourself to one face mask for a hydration and nourishment boosterconcludes Cristina Della Beffa.

